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Professional Women Controller’s Education & Career Development Program

Education & Career Development

Welcome to the Professional Women Controller’s Education and Career Development Page! This site has been developed to provide you with information on employment opportunities in the FAA, career development while employed with the FAA and to provide educational resources that are available to you. Additionally, this site is used to highlight College Training Initiative Schools around the country that offer an FAA approved air traffic degree program. We hope that you find this site helpful, useful and informative. If you have any questions on anything located on this page, please feel free to contact us. We are always looking for new information and resources to improve our careers!

For the Learning Institution/Career Center

We are offering our members to be a Subject Matter Expert for you in the field of air traffic control and employment with the FAA. If your institution/business has a need for someone to come speak to your co-workers, colleagues, students, etc., please let me know. We are very passionate about the National Airspace System and keeping it as the safest system in the world. We would love to come and speak on how rewarding this career field is and what is required to work in it. We will work with you personally to ensure that we have on hand a number of volunteers that can address any questions you may have on the air traffic control field. Please allow us 2 – 3 months’ notice of any special engagement you would like us to speak. Many of our volunteers are on rotating shift schedules and need as much time as possible to request to be removed from the schedule to attend your event.

For the Member

Are you looking for new ways to volunteer with PWC? Would you like to participate in something that requires little time but offers great rewards? If so, then becoming a PWC resource for colleges’ students might be the perfect fit for you! We are looking for members who are passionate about air traffic control, knowledgeable about field training and experience and who are willing to visit high schools, CTI schools and attend various career fair events in their area. Some events may occur in the late afternoon or early evening hours. Each visit would be no longer than two or three hours of your time. We are working on compiling a list of PWC volunteers throughout the country, assigned to specific regions and/or cities. If you are interested, please send us your name, number, address and email account so we can keep in touch with you.

Scholarship Opportunities

Professional Women Controllers Scholarship Program

Each year PWC awards scholarships in two categories. The first is for members and their families, and the second is for women aspiring to become air traffic controllers. In the past few years, PWC has awarded between $1,500 and $3,000 in scholarships each year. The annual deadline for applications is February 15th. More information for this year's application process is available on the PWC Scholarship page.

National Association of Retired Federal Employees Scholarship Program

The National Association of Retired Federal Employees scholarship program will award a record dollar amount to children and grandchildren of NARFE members this year, according to a NARFE press release. The NARFE scholarship application will be published in the February, March and April issues of Retirement Life magazine. The NARFE scholarship program is administered by the Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund. For more information about joining NARFE, call (800) 627-3394. All federal employees are eligible to join NARFE

NASA Science and Technology Scholarship Program

Congress has recently approved the establishment of the NASA Science and Technology Scholarship Program. It is anticipated that this scholarship will provide full tuition leading up to a 4 year degree in Science, Mathematics, Engineering or Technology. It is expected that upon graduation recipients will work for NASA for 2 years for each year of scholarship that they received with a maximum of 4 years commitment. Initial applications for this program may be taken during the summer of 2004. If you would like an email notification as soon as application information is available, please go to www.tsgc.utexas.edu/stsp/and complete the form. If you do not have an email address, please monitor theNASA STSP site for the most current information.

FastWeb Scholarship Search Service

FastWeb, the Internet's leading scholarship search service, helps students make the decisions that shape their lives: choosing a college, paying for college and finding jobs during and after college...and it's all free. Recommended by more than 18,000 guidance counselors and financial aid officers, FastWeb is the most trusted college resource on the Web. More than 21 million students have used FastWeb since its launch in 1995.

Soros Fellowships for New Americans

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans (http://pdsoros.org/) is an annual fellowship program designed to provide opportunities for new Americans to achieve leadership positions in their chosen fields. For the purposes of this program, a "new American" is an individual who (1) is a resident alien, i.e., holds a Green Card; or (2) has been naturalized as a U.S. citizen; or (3) is the child of two parents who are both naturalized citizens. The fellowships provide grants for up to two years of graduate study in the United States.

Harvard College

Harvard President Lawrence H. Summers announced in February 2004 a major new initiative designed to encourage talented students from families of low and moderate income to attend Harvard College. While the new initiative has four major components, including recruitment, admissions, and a summer academic program designed to prepare talented students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds for college, the financial aid component increases aid for students from low and moderate income families. Beginning with the 2004-05 year, parents in families with incomes of less than $40,000 will no longer be expected to contribute to the cost of attending Harvard for their children. In addition, Harvard will reduce the contributions expected of families with incomes between $40,000 and $60,000. If you know of a family with an honor student graduating from high school soon, Harvard University wants to pay the tuition. To find out more, check http://fao.fas.harvard.edu or call the school's financial aid office at (617) 495-1581.