© 2011 Professional Women Controllers Inc.
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About Professional Women Controllers Inc

The PWC LogoThe Purpose

Encourage women to enter the air traffic control profession; assist in professional and personal development; maintain accountability, responsibility, and professionalism; and promote a better understanding, cooperation and coordination among individuals toward the continual improvement of aviation safety.

PWC Vision

Professional Women Controllers, Inc. (PWC) vision is to achieve a balanced workforce that reflects the demographics of society and creates a safe environment where all air traffic professionals have passion for their career, can excel, and feel a sense of community at work.

PWC Mission

Professional Women Controllers, Inc. (PWC) is a resource that provides support, training, encouragement, and camaraderie for all air traffic professionals. PWC advocates balancing work and family life, recruiting and retaining excellent employees, developing people, enjoying work, and maintaining a positive sense of community.

About Our Logo

The logo was updated in 1995 to reflect the diversity of the PWC membership. It contains: the symbolic "Jonathan Livingston" seagull (from the book by Richard Bach); three silhouettes depicting that our membership is multi-cultural and composed both women and men who share a common vision and mission; and a globe depicting that fact that, like aviation in general, PWC is part of the global aviation community as it has members from countries other than the United States.


Professional and personal development; education, career development, scholarship programs; networking; and National and area conferences and publications. PWC is an opportunity to learn more about yourself, the organization for which you work, to meet new friends, and establish professional contacts. From time to time we receive questions about PWC and how it can benefit its members. At a recent Board of Directors' meeting, we took some time to develop a list of those things we think are beneficial to our membership, both individual and corporate. Our members are very important to us and we are here to serve and represent you in the business of the organization.