Author Archives: faymjohnson

Record Goods and Services Trade in 2011

by Fay First, let’s take a quick look at the trade numbers for December 2011.  For December, the trade deficit in goods and services increased to $48.8 billion from $47.1 billion (revised) in November, as imports increased $3.0 billion and … Continue reading

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Trade Deficit Decreases in September

By: Fay The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $43.1 billion in September from $44.9 billion (revised) in August, as exports increased more than imports. Exports increased to a record $180.4 billion in September from $177.9 … Continue reading

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Trade deficit increases to $48.2 billion in March

By Fay The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $48.2 billion in March from $45.4 billion (revised) in February, as imports increased more than exports. The March services surplus ($13.9 billion) was once again a record. … Continue reading

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April Trade Data Released

The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $40.3 billion in April from $40.0 billion (revised) in March, as exports decreased more than imports.
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January Trade Data Released

The Nation’s international trade deficit decreased to $37.3 billion in January from $39.9 billion (revised) in December, as imports decreased more than exports.
If you read our Press Highlights, you may have noticed that the low quantity of crude oil imports keeps popping up:
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November Trade Data Released

By Fay Monthly Overview: The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $36.4 billion in November from $33.2 billion (revised) in October. The increase in the deficit occurred as exports rose less than imports. The rise in … Continue reading

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