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52.214-1  [Reserved]

52.214-2  [Reserved]

52.214-3  Amendments to Invitations for Bids.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(b)(1), insert the following provision:

Amendments to Invitations for Bids (Dec 1989)

(a) If this solicitation is amended, then all terms and conditions which are not modified remain unchanged.

(b) Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of any amendment to this solicitation (1) by signing and returning the amendment, (2) by identifying the amendment number and date in the space provided for this purpose on the form for submitting a bid, (3) by letter or telegram, or (4) by facsimile, if facsimile bids are authorized in the solicitation. The Government must receive the acknowledgment by the time and at the place specified for receipt of bids.

(End of provision)

52.214-4  False Statements in Bids.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(b)(2), insert the following provision in all invitations for bids:

False Statements in Bids (Apr 1984)

Bidders must provide full, accurate, and complete information as required by this solicitation and its attachments. The penalty for making false statements in bids is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001.

(End of provision)

52.214-5  Submission of Bids.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(c)(1), insert the following provision:

Submission of Bids (Mar 1997)

(a) Bids and bid modifications shall be submitted in sealed envelopes or packages (unless submitted by electronic means)—

(1) Addressed to the office specified in the solicitation; and

(2) Showing the time and date specified for receipt, the solicitation number, and the name and address of the bidder.

(b) Bidders using commercial carrier services shall ensure that the bid is addressed and marked on the outermost envelope or wrapper as prescribed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this provision when delivered to the office specified in the solicitation.

(c) Telegraphic bids will not be considered unless authorized by the solicitation; however, bids may be modified or withdrawn by written or telegraphic notice.

(d) Facsimile bids, modifications, or withdrawals, will not be considered unless authorized by the solicitation.

(e) Bids submitted by electronic commerce shall be considered only if the electronic commerce method was specifically stipulated or permitted by the solicitation.

(End of provision)

52.214-6  Explanation to Prospective Bidders.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(c)(2), insert the following provision:

Explanation to Prospective Bidders (Apr 1984)

Any prospective bidder desiring an explanation or interpretation of the solicitation, drawings, specifications, etc., must request it in writing soon enough to allow a reply to reach all prospective bidders before the submission of their bids. Oral explanations or instructions given before the award of a contract will not be binding. Any information given a prospective bidder concerning a solicitation will be furnished promptly to all other prospective bidders as an amendment to the solicitation, if that information is necessary in submitting bids or if the lack of it would be prejudicial to other prospective bidders.

(End of provision)

52.214-7  Late Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals of Bids.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(c)(3), insert the following provision:

Late Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals of Bids (Nov 1999)

(a) Bidders are responsible for submitting bids, and any modifications or withdrawals, so as to reach the Government office designated in the invitation for bids (IFB) by the time specified in the IFB. If no time is specified in the IFB, the time for receipt is 4:30 p.m., local time, for the designated Government office on the date that bids are due.

(b)(1) Any bid, modification, or withdrawal received at the Government office designated in the IFB after the exact time specified for receipt of bids is “late” and will not be considered unless it is received before award is made, the Contracting Officer determines that accepting the late bid would not unduly delay the acquisition; and—

(i) If it was transmitted through an electronic commerce method authorized by the IFB, it was received at the initial point of entry to the Government infrastructure not later than 5:00 p.m. one working day prior to the date specified for receipt of bids; or

(ii) There is acceptable evidence to establish that it was received at the Government installation designated for receipt of bids and was under the Government’s control prior to the time set for receipt of bids.

(2) However, a late modification of an otherwise successful bid that makes its terms more favorable to the Government, will be considered at any time it is received and may be accepted.

(c) Acceptable evidence to establish the time of receipt at the Government installation includes the time/date stamp of that installation on the bid wrapper, other documentary evidence of receipt maintained by the installation, or oral testimony or statements of Government personnel.

(d) If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal Government processes so that bids cannot be received at the Government office designated for receipt of bids by the exact time specified in the IFB and urgent Government requirements preclude amendment of the IFB, the time specified for receipt of bids will be deemed to be extended to the same time of day specified in the solicitation on the first work day on which normal Government processes resume.

(e) Bids may be withdrawn by written notice received at any time before the exact time set for receipt of bids. If the IFB authorizes facsimile bids, bids may be withdrawn via facsimile received at any time before the exact time set for receipt of bids, subject to the conditions specified in the provision at 52.214-31, Facsimile Bids. A bid may be withdrawn in person by a bidder or its authorized representative if, before the exact time set for receipt of bids, the identity of the person requesting withdrawal is established and the person signs a receipt for the bid.

(End of provision)

52.214-8  [Reserved]

52.214-9  [Reserved]

52.214-10  Contract Award—Sealed Bidding.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(e), insert the following provision:

Contract Award—Sealed Bidding (July 1990)

(a) The Government will evaluate bids in response to this solicitation without discussions and will award a contract to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to the solicitation, will be most advantageous to the Government considering only price and the price-related factors specified elsewhere in the solicitation.

(b) The Government may—

(1) Reject any or all bids;

(2) Accept other than the lowest bid; and

(3) Waive informalities or minor irregularities in bids received.

(c) The Government may accept any item or group of items of a bid, unless the bidder qualifies the bid by specific limitations. Unless otherwise provided in the Schedule, bids may be submitted for quantities less than those specified. The Government reserves the right to make an award on any item for a quantity less than the quantity offered, at the unit prices offered, unless the bidder specifies otherwise in the bid.

(d) A written award or acceptance of a bid mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful bidder within the time for acceptance specified in the bid shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party.

(e) The Government may reject a bid as nonresponsive if the prices bid are materially unbalanced between line items or subline items. A bid is materially unbalanced when it is based on prices significantly less than cost for some work and prices which are significantly overstated in relation to cost for other work, and if there is a reasonable doubt that the bid will result in the lowest overall cost to the Government even though it may be the low evaluated bid, or if it is so unbalanced as to be tantamount to allowing an advance payment.

(End of provision)

52.214-11  [Reserved]

52.214-12  Preparation of Bids.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(f), insert the following provision:

Preparation of Bids (Apr 1984)

(a) Bidders are expected to examine the drawings, specifications, Schedule, and all instructions. Failure to do so will be at the bidder’s risk.

(b) Each bidder shall furnish the information required by the solicitation. The bidder shall sign the bid and print or type its name on the Schedule and each continuation sheet on which it makes an entry. Erasures or other changes must be initialed by the person signing the bid. Bids signed by an agent shall be accompanied by evidence of that agent’s authority, unless that evidence has been previously furnished to the issuing office.

(c) For each item offered, bidders shall (1) show the unit price, including, unless otherwise specified, packaging, packing, and preservation and (2) enter the extended price for the quantity of each item offered in the “Amount” column of the Schedule. In case of discrepancy between a unit price and an extended price, the unit price will be presumed to be correct, subject, however, to correction to the same extent and in the same manner as any other mistake.

(d) Bids for supplies or services other than those specified will not be considered unless authorized by the solicitation.

(e) Bidders must state a definite time for delivery of supplies or for performance of services, unless otherwise specified in the solicitation.

(f) Time, if stated as a number of days, will include Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

(End of provision)

52.214-13  Telegraphic Bids.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(g)(1), insert the following provision:

Telegraphic Bids (Apr 1984)

(a) Bidders may submit telegraphic bids as responses to this solicitation. These responses must arrive at the place, and by the time, specified in the solicitation.

(b) Telegraphic bids shall refer to this solicitation and include the items or subitems, quantities, unit prices, time and place of delivery, all representations and other information required by this solicitation, and a statement of agreement with all the terms, conditions, and provisions of the invitation for bids.

(c) Telegraphic bids that fail to furnish required representations or information, or that reject any of the terms, conditions, and provisions of the solicitation, may be excluded from consideration.

(d) Bidders must promptly sign and submit complete copies of the bids in confirmation of their telegraphic bids.

(e) The term “telegraphic bids,” as used in this provision, includes mailgrams.

(End of provision)

Alternate I (Nov 1988). As prescribed in 14.201-6(g)(2), substitute the following for paragraph (d) of the basic clause:

(d) Written confirmation of telegraphic bids is not required.

52.214-14  Place of Performance—Sealed Bidding.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(h), insert the following provision:

Place of Performance—Sealed Bidding (Apr 1985)

(a) The bidder, in the performance of any contract resulting from this solicitation, o   intends, does not intend [check applicable box] to use one or more plants or facilities located at a different address from the address of the bidder as indicated in this bid.

(b) If the bidder checks “intends” in paragraph (a) of this provision, it shall insert in the spaces provided below the required information:

Place of Performance (Street Address, City, State, County, ZIP Code)

Name and Address of Owner and Operator of the Plant or Facility if Other than Bidder





(End of provision)

52.214-15  Period for Acceptance of Bids.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(i), insert the following provision:

Period for Acceptance of Bids (Apr 1984)

In compliance with the solicitation, the bidder agrees, if this bid is accepted within __________ calendar days (60 calendar days unless a different period is inserted by the bidder) from the date specified in the solicitation for receipt of bids, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are bid at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s), within the time specified in the Schedule.

(End of provision)

52.214-16  Minimum Bid Acceptance Period.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(j), insert the following provision in invitations for bids, except for construction, if the contracting officer determines that a minimum acceptance period must be specified:

Minimum Bid Acceptance Period (Apr 1984)

(a) “Acceptance period,” as used in this provision, means the number of calendar days available to the Government for awarding a contract from the date specified in this solicitation for receipt of bids.

(b) This provision supersedes any language pertaining to the acceptance period that may appear elsewhere in this solicitation.

(c) The Government requires a minimum acceptance period of __________ calendar days [the Contracting Officer shall insert the number of days].

(d) In the space provided immediately below, bidders may specify a longer acceptance period than the Government’s minimum requirement.

The bidder allows the following acceptance period: __________ calendar days.

(e) A bid allowing less than the Government’s minimum acceptance period will be rejected.

(f) The bidder agrees to execute all that it has undertaken to do, in compliance with its bid, if that bid is accepted in writing within—

(1) The acceptance period stated in paragraph (c) of this clause; or

(2) Any longer acceptance period stated in paragraph (d) of this clause.

(End of provision)

52.214-17  [Reserved]

52.214-18  Preparation of Bids—Construction.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(l), insert the following provision:

Preparation of Bids—Construction (Apr 1984)

(a) Bids must be—

(1) Submitted on the forms furnished by the Government or on copies of those forms, and

(2) Manually signed. The person signing a bid must initial each erasure or change appearing on any bid form.

(b) The bid form may require bidders to submit bid prices for one or more items on various bases, including—

(1) Lump sum bidding;

(2) Alternate prices;

(3) Units of construction; or

(4) Any combination of paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this provision.

(c) If the solicitation requires bidding on all items, failure to do so will disqualify the bid. If bidding on all items is not required, bidders should insert the words “no bid” in the space provided for any item on which no price is submitted.

(d) Alternate bids will not be considered unless this solicitation authorizes their submission.

(End of provision)

52.214-19  Contract Award—Sealed Bidding—Construction.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(m), insert the following provision:

Contract Award—Sealed Bidding—Construction (Aug 1996)

(a) The Government will evaluate bids in response to this solicitation without discussions and will award a contract to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to the solicitation, will be most advantageous to the Government, considering only price and the price-related factors specified elsewhere in the solicitation.

(b) The Government may reject any or all bids, and waive informalities or minor irregularities in bids received.

(c) The Government may accept any item or combination of items, unless doing so is precluded by a restrictive limitation in the solicitation or the bid.

(d) The Government may reject a bid as nonresponsive if the prices bid are materially unbalanced between line items or subline items. A bid is materially unbalanced when it is based on prices significantly less than cost for some work and prices which are significantly overstated in relation to cost for other work, and if there is a reasonable doubt that the bid will result in the lowest overall cost to the Government even though it may be the low evaluated bid, or if it is so unbalanced as to be tantamount to allowing an advance payment.

(End of provision)

52.214-20  Bid Samples.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(o)(1), insert the following provision:

Bid Samples (Apr 2002)

(a) “Bid sample” means a product sample required to be submitted by a bidder to show those characteristics of the offered products that cannot adequately be described by specifications, purchase descriptions, or the invitation for bid (e.g., balance, facility of use, or pattern).

(b) Bidders must furnish bid samples as part of the bid. The Government must receive the bid samples by the time specified in the invitation for bids. If the bidder fails to submit samples on time, the Government will reject the bid, except that the Contracting Officer will consider a late sample sent by mail under the Late Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals of Bids provision of this solicitation.

(c) The Government will test or evaluate bid samples to determine compliance with all the characteristics listed for examination in this solicitation. The Government will reject the bid when the sample fails to conform to the required characteristics. Products delivered under any resulting contract must conform to—

(1) The approved sample for the characteristics listed for test or evaluation; and

(2) The specifications for all other characteristics.

(d) Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, bid samples shall be—

(1) Submitted at no expense to the Government; and

(2) Returned at the bidder’s request and expense, unless they are destroyed during preaward testing.

(End of provision)

Alternate I (May 2002). As prescribed in 14.201-6(o)(2)(i), insert the following Alternate I:

(e) At the discretion of the Contracting Officer, the requirement for furnishing bid samples may be waived for a bidder if—

(1) The bid states that the offered product is the same as a product offered by the bidder to the _______________ [as appropriate, the Contracting Officer shall designate the contracting office or an alternate activity or office]; and

(2) The Contracting Officer determines that the previously offered product was accepted or tested and found to comply with specification and other requirements for technical acceptability conforming in every material respect with those in this solicitation.

Alternate II (May 2002). As prescribed in 14.201-6(o)(2)(ii), insert the following Alternate II:

(e) At the discretion of the Contracting Officer, the requirements for furnishing bid samples may be waived for a bidder if—

(1) The bid states that the offered product is the same as a product offered by the bidder to the _________ [as appropriate, the Contracting Officer shall designate the contracting office or an alternate activity or office] on a previous acquisition;

(2) The Contracting Officer determines that the previously offered product was accepted or tested and found to comply with specification and other requirements for technical acceptability conforming in every material respect with those of this solicitation; and

(3) The product offered under this solicitation will be produced under a resulting contract at the same plant in which the previously acquired or tested product was produced.

52.214-21  Descriptive Literature.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(p)(1), insert the following provision:

Descriptive Literature (Apr 2002)

(a) “Descriptive literature,” as used in this provision, means information furnished by a bidder, such as cuts, illustrations, drawings, and brochures, that shows a product’s characteristics or construction or explains its operation. The term includes only that information required to evaluate the acceptability of the product and excludes other information for operating or maintaining the product.

(b) Descriptive literature is required to establish, for the purpose of evaluation and award, details of the product offered that are specified elsewhere in the solicitation and pertain to significant elements such as—

(1) Design;

(2) Materials;

(3) Components;

(4) Performance characteristics; and

(5) Methods of manufacture, assembly, construction, or operation.

(c) Descriptive literature, required elsewhere in this solicitation, shall be—

(1) Identified to show the item(s) of the offer to which it applies; and

(2) Received by the time specified in this solicitation.

(d) If the bidder fails to submit descriptive literature on time, the Government will reject the bid, except that late descriptive literature sent by mail may be considered under the Late Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals of Bids provision of this solicitation.

(e) If the descriptive literature fails to show that the product offered conforms to the requirements of the solicitation, the Government will reject the bid.

(End of provision)

Alternate I (Apr 2002). As prescribed in 14.201-6(p)(2), add the following paragraphs (f) and (g) to the basic provision:

(f) The Contracting Officer may waive the requirement for furnishing descriptive literature if the offeror has supplied a product that is the same as that required by this solicitation under a prior contract. A bidder that requests a waiver of this requirement shall provide the following information:

Prior contract number ________________________________

Date of prior contract ________________________________

Contract line item number of product supplied ____________

Name and address of Government activity to which delivery was made _________________________________________

Date of final delivery of product supplied ________________

(g) Bidders shall submit bids on the basis of required descriptive literature or on the basis of a previously supplied product under paragraph (f) of this provision. A bidder submitting a bid on one of these two bases may not elect to have its bid considered on the alternative basis after the time specified for receipt of bids. The Government will disregard a bidder's request for a waiver under paragraph (f) if that bidder has submitted the descriptive literature requested under this solicitation.

52.214-22  Evaluation of Bids for Multiple Awards.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(q), insert the following provision:

Evaluation of Bids for Multiple Awards (Mar 1990)

In addition to other factors, bids will be evaluated on the basis of advantages and disadvantages to the Government that might result from making more than one award (multiple awards). It is assumed, for the purpose of evaluating bids, that $500 would be the administrative cost to the Government for issuing and administering each contract awarded under this solicitation, and individual awards will be for the items or combinations of items that result in the lowest aggregate cost to the Government, including the assumed administrative costs.

(End of provision)

52.214-23  Late Submissions, Modifications, Revisions, and Withdrawals of Technical Proposals under Two-Step Sealed Bidding.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(r), insert the following provision:

Late Submissions, Modifications, Revisions, and Withdrawals of Technical Proposals under Two-Step Sealed Bidding (Nov 1999)

(a) Bidders are responsible for submitting technical proposals, and any modifications or revisions, so as to reach the Government office designated in the request for technical proposals by the time specified in the invitation for bids (IFB). If no time is specified in the IFB, the time for receipt is 4:30 p.m., local time, for the designated Government office on the date that bids or revisions are due.

(b)(1) Any technical proposal under step one of two-step sealed bidding, modification, revision, or withdrawal of such proposal received at the Government office designated in the request for technical proposals after the exact time specified for receipt will not be considered unless the Contracting Officer determines that accepting the late technical proposal would not unduly delay the acquisition; and—

(i) If it was transmitted through an electronic commerce method authorized by the request for technical proposals, it was received at the initial point of entry to the Government infrastructure not later than 5:00 p.m. one working day prior to the date specified for receipt of proposals; or

(ii) There is acceptable evidence to establish that it was received at the Government installation designated for receipt of offers and was under the Government’s control prior to the time set for receipt; or

(iii) It is the only proposal received and it is negotiated under Part 15 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

(2) However, a late modification of an otherwise successful proposal that makes its terms more favorable to the Government will be considered at any time it is received and may be accepted.

(c) Acceptable evidence to establish the time of receipt at the Government installation includes the time/date stamp of that installation on the technical proposal wrapper, other documentary evidence of receipt maintained by the installation, or oral testimony or statements of Government personnel.

(d) If an emergency or unanticipated event interrupts normal Government processes so that technical proposals cannot be received at the Government office designated for receipt of technical proposals by the exact time specified in the request for technical proposals, and urgent Government requirements preclude amendment of the request for technical proposals, the time specified for receipt of technical proposals will be deemed to be extended to the same time of day specified in the request for technical proposals on the first work day on which normal Government processes resume.

(e) Technical proposals may be withdrawn by written notice received at any time before the exact time set for receipt of technical proposals. If the request for technical proposals authorizes facsimile technical proposals, they may be withdrawn via facsimile received at any time before the exact time set for receipt of proposals, subject to the conditions specified in the provision at 52.214-31, Facsimile Bids. A technical proposal may be withdrawn in person by a bidder or its authorized representative if, before the exact time set for receipt of technical proposals, the identity of the person requesting withdrawal is established and the person signs a receipt for the technical proposal.

(End of provision)

52.214-24  Multiple Technical Proposals.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(s), insert the following provision:

Multiple Technical Proposals (Apr 1984)

In the first step of this two-step acquisition, solicited sources are encouraged to submit multiple technical proposals presenting different basic approaches. Each technical proposal submitted will be separately evaluated and the submitter will be notified as to its acceptability.

(End of provision)

52.214-25  Step Two of Two-Step Sealed Bidding.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(t), insert the following provision:

Step Two of Two-Step Sealed Bidding (Apr 1985)

(a) This invitation for bids is issued to initiate step two of two-step sealed bidding under Subpart 14.5 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

(b) The only bids that the Contracting Officer may consider for award of a contract are those received from bidders that have submitted acceptable technical proposals in step one of this acquisition under _________________[the Contracting Officer shall insert the identification of the step-one request for technical proposals].

(c) Any bidder that has submitted multiple technical proposals in step one of this acquisition may submit a separate bid on each technical proposal that was determined to be acceptable to the Government.

(End of provision)

52.214-26  Audit and Records—Sealed Bidding.

As prescribed in 14.201-7(a)(1), insert the following clause:

Audit and Records—Sealed Bidding (Oct 2010)

(a) As used in this clause, “records” includes books, documents, accounting procedures and practices, and other data, regardless of type and regardless of whether such items are in written form, in the form of computer data, or in any other form.

(b) Certified cost or pricing data. If the Contractor has been required to submit certified cost or pricing data in connection with the pricing of any modification to this contract, the Contracting Officer, or an authorized representative of the Contracting Officer, in order to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, and currency of the certified cost or pricing data, shall have the right to examine and audit all of the Contractor’s records, including computations and projections, related to—

(1) The proposal for the modification;

(2) The discussions conducted on the proposal(s), including those related to negotiating;

(3) Pricing of the modification; or

(4) Performance of the modification.

(c) Comptroller General. In the case of pricing any modification, the Comptroller General of the United States, or an authorized representative, shall have the same rights as specified in paragraph (b) of this clause and also the right to interview any current employee regarding such transactions.

(d) Availability. The Contractor shall make available at its office at all reasonable times the materials described in paragraph (b) of this clause, for examination, audit, or reproduction, until 3 years after final payment under this contract, or for any other period specified in Subpart 4.7 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). FAR Subpart 4.7, Contractor Records Retention, in effect on the date of this contract, is incorporated by reference in its entirety and made a part of this contract.

(1) If this contract is completely or partially terminated, the records relating to the work terminated shall be made available for 3 years after any resulting final termination settlement.

(2) Records pertaining to appeals under the Disputes clause or to litigation or the settlement of claims arising under or relating to the performance of this contract shall be made available until disposition of such appeals, litigation, or claims.

(e) The Contractor shall insert a clause containing all the provisions of this clause, including this paragraph (e), in all subcontracts expected to exceed the threshold in FAR 15.403-4(a)(1) for submission of certified cost or pricing data.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Mar 2009). As prescribed in 14.201-7(a)(2), substitute the following paragraphs (c) and (e) for paragraphs (c) and (e) of the basic clause:

(c) The Comptroller General of the United States, an appropriate Inspector General appointed under section 3 or 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), or an authorized representative of either of the foregoing officials, shall have access to and the right to—

(1) Examine any of the Contractor’s or any subcontractors' records that pertain to, and involve transactions relating to, this contract or a subcontract hereunder; and

(2) Interview any officer or employee regarding such transactions.

(e)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2), the Contractor shall insert a clause containing the provisions of this clause, including this paragraph (e), in all subcontracts.

(2) The authority of the Inspector General under paragraph (c)(2) of this clause does not flow down to subcontracts.

52.214-27  Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data—Modifications—Sealed Bidding.

As prescribed in 14.201-7(b), insert the following clause:

Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data—Modifications—Sealed Bidding (Aug 2011)

(a) This clause shall become operative only for any modification to this contract involving aggregate increases and/or decreases in costs, plus applicable profits, expected to exceed the threshold for the submission of certified cost or pricing data at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1), except that this clause does not apply to a modification if an exception under FAR 15.403-1(b) applies.

(b) If any price, including profit, negotiated in connection with any modification under this clause, was increased by any significant amount because (1) the Contractor or a subcontractor furnished certified cost or pricing data that were not complete, accurate, and current as certified in its Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data, (2) a subcontractor or prospective subcontractor furnished the Contractor certified cost or pricing data that were not complete, accurate, and current as certified in the Contractor’s Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data, or (3) any of these parties furnished data of any description that were not accurate, the price shall be reduced accordingly and the contract shall be modified to reflect the reduction. This right to a price reduction is limited to that resulting from defects in data relating to modifications for which this clause becomes operative under paragraph (a) of this clause

(c) Any reduction in the contract price under paragraph (b) of this clause due to defective data from a prospective subcontractor that was not subsequently awarded the subcontract shall be limited to the amount, plus applicable overhead and profit markup, by which (1) the actual subcontract or (2) the actual cost to the Contractor, if there was no subcontract, was less than the prospective subcontract cost estimate submitted by the Contractor; provided, that the actual subcontract price was not itself affected by defective certified cost or pricing data.

(d)(1) If the Contracting Officer determines under paragraph (b) of this clause that a price or cost reduction should be made, the Contractor agrees not to raise the following matters as a defense:

(i) The Contractor or subcontractor was a sole source supplier or otherwise was in a superior bargaining position and thus the price of the contract would not have been modified even if accurate, complete, and current certified cost or pricing data had been submitted.

(ii) The Contracting Officer should have known that the certified cost or pricing data in issue were defective even though the Contractor or subcontractor took no affirmative action to bring the character of the data to the attention of the Contracting Officer.

(iii) The contract was based on an agreement about the total cost of the contract and there was no agreement about the cost of each item procured under the contract.

(iv) The Contractor or subcontractor did not submit a Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data.

(2)(i) Except as prohibited by subdivision (d)(2)(ii) of this clause, an offset in an amount determined appropriate by the Contracting Officer based upon the facts shall be allowed against the amount of a contract price reduction if—

(A) The Contractor certifies to the Contracting Officer that, to the best of the Contractor’s knowledge and belief, the Contractor is entitled to the offset in the amount requested; and

(B) The Contractor proves that the certified cost or pricing data were available before the date of agreement on the price of the contract (or price of the modification) and that the data were not submitted before such date.

(ii) An offset shall not be allowed if—

(A) The understated data was known by the Contractor to be understated when the Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data was signed; or

(B) The Government proves that the facts demonstrate that the contract price would not have increased in the amount to be offset even if the available data had been submitted before the date of agreement on price.

(e) If any reduction in the contract price under this clause reduces the price of items for which payment was made prior to the date of the modification reflecting the price reduction, the Contractor shall be liable to and shall pay the United States at the time such overpayment is repaid—

(1) Interest compounded daily, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6622, the amount of such overpayment to be computed from the date(s) of overpayment to the Contractor to the date the Government is repaid by the Contractor at the applicable underpayment rate effective for each quarter prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury under 26 U.S.C. 6621(a)(2); and

(2) A penalty equal to the amount of the overpayment, if the Contractor or subcontractor knowingly submitted certified cost or pricing data which were incomplete, inaccurate, or noncurrent.

(End of clause)

52.214-28  Subcontractor Certified Cost or Pricing Data—Modifications—Sealed Bidding.

As prescribed in 14.201-7(c), insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts:

Subcontractor Certified Cost or Pricing Data—Modifications—Sealed Bidding (Oct 2010)

(a) The requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this clause shall—

(1) Become operative only for any modification to this contract involving aggregate increases and/or decreases in costs, plus applicable profits, expected to exceed the threshold for submission of certified cost or pricing data at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1); and

(2) Be limited to such modifications.

(b) Before awarding any subcontract expected to exceed the threshold for submission of certified cost or pricing data at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1), on the date of agreement on price or the date of award, whichever is later, or before pricing any subcontract modifications involving aggregate increases and/or decreases in costs, plus applicable profits, expected to exceed the threshold for submission of certified cost or pricing data at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1), the Contractor shall require the subcontractor to submit certified cost or pricing data (actually or by specific identification in writing), as part of the subcontractor’s proposal in accordance with FAR 15.408, Table 15-2 (to include any information reasonably required to explain the subcontractor’s estimating process such as the judgmental factors applied and the mathematical or other methods used in the estimate, including those used in projecting from known data, and the nature and amount of any contingencies included in the price), unless an exception under FAR 15.403-1(b) applies.

(c) The Contractor shall require the subcontractor to certify in substantially the form prescribed in FAR subsection 15.406-2 that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the data submitted under paragraph (b) of this clause were accurate, complete, and current as of the date of agreement on the negotiated price of the subcontract or subcontract modification.

(d) The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (d), in each subcontract that, when entered into, exceeds the threshold for submission of certified cost or pricing data at FAR 15.403-4(a)(1).

(End of clause)

52.214-29  Order of Precedence—Sealed Bidding.

As prescribed in 14.201-7(d), insert the following clause:

Order of Precedence—Sealed Bidding (Jan 1986)

Any inconsistency in this solicitation or contract shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order:

(a) The Schedule (excluding the specifications);

(b) Representations and other instructions;

(c) Contract clauses;

(d) Other documents, exhibits, and attachments; and

(e) The specifications.

(End of clause)

52.214-30  [Reserved]

52.214-31  Facsimile Bids.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(v), insert the following provision:

Facsimile Bids (Dec 1989)

(a) Definition. “Facsimile bid,” as used in this solicitation, means a bid, modification of a bid, or withdrawal of a bid that is transmitted to and received by the Government via electronic equipment that communicates and reproduces both printed and handwritten material.

(b) Bidders may submit facsimile bids as responses to this solicitation. These responses must arrive at the place and by the time, specified in the solicitation.

(c) Facsimile bids that fail to furnish required representations or information or that reject any of the terms, conditions, and provisions of the solicitation may be excluded from consideration.

(d) Facsimile bids must contain the required signatures.

(e) The Government reserves the right to make award solely on the facsimile bid. However, if requested to do so by the Contracting Officer, the apparently successful bidder agrees to promptly submit the complete original signed bid.

(f) Facsimile receiving data and compatibility characteristics are as follows:

(1) Telephone number of receiving facsimile equipment: _____________________

(2) Compatibility characteristics of receiving facsimile equipment (e.g., make and model number, receiving speed, communications protocol): _____________________

(g) If the bidder chooses to transmit a facsimile bid, the Government will not be responsible for any failure attributable to the transmission or receipt of the facsimile bid including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Receipt of garbled or incomplete bid.

(2) Availability or condition of the receiving facsimile equipment.

(3) Incompatibility between the sending and receiving equipment.

(4) Delay in transmission or receipt of bid.

(5) Failure of the bidder to properly identify the bid.

(6) Illegibility of bid.

(7) Security of bid data.

(End of provision)

52.214-32  [Reserved]

52.214-33  [Reserved]

52.214-34  Submission of Offers in the English Language.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(w), insert the following provision:

Submission of Offers in the English Language (Apr 1991)

Offers submitted in response to this solicitation shall be in the English language. Offers received in other than English shall be rejected.

(End of provision)

52.214-35  Submission of Offers in U.S. Currency.

As prescribed in 14.201-6(x), insert the following provision:

Submission of Offers in U.S. Currency (Apr 1991)

Offers submitted in response to this solicitation shall be in terms of U.S. dollars. Offers received in other than U.S. dollars shall be rejected.

(End of provision)

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