Documents & Publications


  • Brown, Marilyn A.; Jackson, Roderick K; Cox, Matthew; Cortes, Rodrigo; Deitchman, Benjamin H.; Lapsa, Melissa V.; Making Industry Part of the Climate Solution: Policy Options to Promote Energy Efficiency, (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program), ORNL/TM-2010/78, 2011 May.
  • Marilyn A. Brown, Jess Chandler, Melissa V. Lapsa and Moonis Ally. Making Homes Part of the Climate Solution: Policy Options to Promote Energy Efficiency (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program), ORNL/TM-2009/104, 2009 June.
  • Marilyn A. Brown, Jess Chandler, Melissa V. Lapsa and Benjamin K. Sovacool. Carbon Lock-In: Barriers To Deploying Climate Change Mitigation Technologies (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Climate Change Technology Program), ORNL/TM-2007/124, 2008 November.
  • Marilyn A. Brown, Matt Antes, Charlotte Franchuk, Burton H. Koske, Gordon Michaels, and Joan Pellegrino. Results of a Technical Review of the U.S. Climate Change Technology Program's R&D Portfolio (Oak Ridge, TN; Oak Ridge National Laboratory), ORNL-6976, 2006 May.
  • Interlaboratory Working Group. Scenarios for a Clean Energy Future (Oak Ridge, TN; Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Berkeley, CA; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), ORNL/CON-476 and LBNL-44029, 2000 November.