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FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer - Web Map Service (WMS)

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Data.gov Program Management Office Data.gov Program Management Office

created Feb 18, 2011

updated May 03, 2011


"FEMA NFHL" is a general application that provides for the display of flood hazard zones, floodways, Coastal Barrier Resources System and Otherwise Protected Area units, community boundaries and names, base flood elevations, cross sections and coastal transects and their labels, hydraulic and flood control structures, and Flood Insurance Rate Map and Letter of Map Revision boundaries and numbers. Additional reference layers include the status of NFHL data availability, point locations for Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-Fs), Q3 base flood, and sub-basin hydrologic units. You control the information displayed by turning layers on and off. A basic knowledge of Google Earth and FEMA flood hazard information will help users of this application. The name of each layer is hyperlinked to a description of the layer, the map symbols used for the layer, and links to other FEMA web sites relevant to the layer. If a layer is turned on, clicking the text below the name of the layer (text that starts with "Draws at...") zooms the Google Earth view to a sample display of the layer. Layers are organized for display at one or more of three "eye altitude" (map scale) ranges in Google Earth: status maps and subbasins at high altitudes, regional overviews of flood hazards at medium altitudes, and detailed flood hazard maps at low altitudes. Click on the hyperlinked folder name of the application to see the altitudes at which data in the layers are displayed.

Geography and Environment
Base Flood Elevation, structure, Riverine Flooding, CBRS, environment, hydrology, Floodway, DFIRM, FIRM, inlandWaters, Flood Insurance Rate Map, Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA Flood Hazard Zone, Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map, Coastal Flooding, Special Flood Hazard Area, NFIP, flood, Coastal Barrier Resources System, transportation, FEMA, DFIRM Database, SFHA, elevation
Licensing and Attribution
Data Provided By
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Source Link
Dataset Summary
Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Date Released
June 16, 2010
Date Updated
November 18, 2010
Time Period
This is a web map service (WMS) which is regularly updated with the most current information pertaining to the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL).
Dataset Information
Data.gov Data Category Type
Raw Data Catalog
Specialized Data Category Designation
Unique ID
Dataset Coverage
Unit of Analysis
It provides for the display of flood hazard zones, floodways, Coastal Barrier Resources System and Otherwise Protected Area units, community boundaries and names, base flood elevations, cross sections and coastal transects and their labels, hydraulic and flood control structures, and Flood Insurance Rate Map and Letter of Map Revision boundaries and numbers. Additional reference layers include the status of NFHL data availability, point locations for Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMRBFs)
Hydraulic Flood Control Structures
Geographic Coverage
United States, Territories
Data Quality
Applicable Information Quality Guideline Designation
Department of Homeland Security
Data Quality Certification
Privacy and Confidentiality
This view cannot be displayed
Data.gov Program Management Office Data.gov Program Management Office

created Feb 18, 2011

updated May 03, 2011


"FEMA NFHL" is a general application that provides for the display of flood hazard zones, floodways, Coastal Barrier Resources System and Otherwise Protected Area units, community boundaries and names, base flood elevations, cross sections and coastal transects and their labels, hydraulic and flood control structures, and Flood Insurance Rate Map and Letter of Map Revision boundaries and numbers. Additional reference layers include the status of NFHL data availability, point locations for Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-Fs), Q3 base flood, and sub-basin hydrologic units. You control the information displayed by turning layers on and off. A basic knowledge of Google Earth and FEMA flood hazard information will help users of this application. The name of each layer is hyperlinked to a description of the layer, the map symbols used for the layer, and links to other FEMA web sites relevant to the layer. If a layer is turned on, clicking the text below the name of the layer (text that starts with "Draws at...") zooms the Google Earth view to a sample display of the layer. Layers are organized for display at one or more of three "eye altitude" (map scale) ranges in Google Earth: status maps and subbasins at high altitudes, regional overviews of flood hazards at medium altitudes, and detailed flood hazard maps at low altitudes. Click on the hyperlinked folder name of the application to see the altitudes at which data in the layers are displayed.

Geography and Environment
Base Flood Elevation, structure, Riverine Flooding, CBRS, environment, hydrology, Floodway, DFIRM, FIRM, inlandWaters, Flood Insurance Rate Map, Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA Flood Hazard Zone, Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map, Coastal Flooding, Special Flood Hazard Area, NFIP, flood, Coastal Barrier Resources System, transportation, FEMA, DFIRM Database, SFHA, elevation
Licensing and Attribution
Data Provided By
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Source Link
Dataset Summary
Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Date Released
June 16, 2010
Date Updated
November 18, 2010
Time Period
This is a web map service (WMS) which is regularly updated with the most current information pertaining to the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL).
Dataset Information
Data.gov Data Category Type
Raw Data Catalog
Specialized Data Category Designation
Unique ID
Dataset Coverage
Unit of Analysis
It provides for the display of flood hazard zones, floodways, Coastal Barrier Resources System and Otherwise Protected Area units, community boundaries and names, base flood elevations, cross sections and coastal transects and their labels, hydraulic and flood control structures, and Flood Insurance Rate Map and Letter of Map Revision boundaries and numbers. Additional reference layers include the status of NFHL data availability, point locations for Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMRBFs)
Hydraulic Flood Control Structures
Geographic Coverage
United States, Territories
Data Quality
Applicable Information Quality Guideline Designation
Department of Homeland Security
Data Quality Certification
Privacy and Confidentiality

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