Miguel Gomez

Director,, and Senior Communications Advisor, Office of HIV/AIDS Policy, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 

NIAID Advances Efforts to Restructure Clinical Trials Networks with Funding Announcements

NIAID wordle

Over the past year and a half, many of you followed the blog post series Future Directions for NIAID HIV Research by Dr. Carl Dieffenbach, Director of the Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at NIH. Last week, NIAID advanced those efforts by issuing several requests for applications (RFAs)…

The Affordable Care Act and People Living with HIV/AIDS

How does the Affordable Care Act Help People Living with HIV/AIDS?

One of the questions I get frequently is “how is the Affordable Care Act (the health care law of 2010) helping people living with HIV/AIDS?” The short answer is: in many ways. The detailed answer is more complex, but also much more exciting. To provide a more comprehensive answer to this important inquiry, we recently…

Be Safe – Mobile!

Man Driving with Cell

Earlier this week, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), an independent federal agency charged with promoting transportation safety, voted unanimously to recommend a nationwide ban on the nonemergency use of portable electronic devices (other than those designed to support the driving task) for all drivers. Specifically, the NTSB has called on all states and the District…

mHealth Summit Update


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Today is the second day of the mHealth Summit in Washington DC. The largest event of its kind, the summit brings together leaders in government, the private sector, industry, academia, providers and not-for-profit organizations from across the mobile health ecosystem to “advance collaboration in the use of wireless technology to improve health outcomes in the…

SAMHSA and World AIDS Day—Using New Media

“Leading with Science, Uniting for Action” is the U.S. Government (USG) theme for World AIDS Day 2011. This year, we are thankful for scientific advances in the response to HIV/AIDS—advances which have led Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to call for an “AIDS-free generation.” On December 1st, people all around the world will commemorate…

Observing World AIDS Day


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World AIDS Day logo

Today, December 1, we commemorate World AIDS Day. This has been a year of reflection as we marked the 30th anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS on June 5, 1981. AIDS is still here, and it affects all of us in the U.S. and around the world. AIDS has been, and continues to…

Are you ready for World AIDS Day, December 1?


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World AIDS Day logo

“Leading with Science. United for Action.” is the U.S. Government theme for World AIDS Day 2011. This year, we are thankful for scientific advances in the response to HIV/AIDS, leading Secretary Clinton to call for an “AIDS-free generation.” Creating an AIDS-free generation has never been a policy priority for the U.S. Government until now, because…

U.S. Conference on AIDS – Highlights of Day 3


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This is the third in our series of daily highlights from the U.S. Conference on AIDS in Chicago. This post spotlights some activities related to treatment and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) from Saturday, November 12. Later this week we will provide a summary of the final day of the conference along with a blog…

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