Science Images of the Week

NASA's Cassini spacecraft took this natural color composite photo of Saturn (Photo: NASA)

This natural color composite photo of Saturn was taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. (NASA)

A baby Adélie penguin nuzzles up to its mother. This photo was taken inside one of three bird colonies on Ross Island near Antarctica. (Photo:

A baby Adélie penguin nuzzles up to its mother inside one of three bird colonies on Ross Island near Antarctica. (

Here's A close-up photo of Robonaut 2 - R2, the first dexterous humanoid robot in space that was taken inside the International Space Station's Destiny laboratory. By the way you can see the reflections of NASA astronaut Kevin Ford on R2's helmet visor. (Photo: NASA)

This is Robonaut 2-R2, the first dexterous humanoid robot in space, in an image taken inside the International Space Station.  NASA astronaut Kevin Ford’s reflection can be seen on R2′s helmet visor. (NASA)

Lava from a tiny lava pond flows on the north side of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano. (Photo: USGS)

Lava from a lava pond, below the peak, flows on the north side of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano. (USGS)

Using data from the Hubble Space Telescope this is an assembled photo illustration of the magnificent spiral galaxy M106. (Image: R. Gendler/NASA)

Photo illustration of the magnificent spiral galaxy M106, assembled using data from the Hubble Space Telescope. (NASA)

This is a photomicrograph of a brown fat cell (brown adipocyte) that was taken from a muscle stem cell (Image: Alessandra Pasut, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute)

This photograph, taken through a microscope, is of a brown fat cell (brown adipocyte) taken from a muscle stem cell. (Alessandra Pasut, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute)

Technicians pack-up and prepare NASA's Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) satellite for its scheduled launch on Monday, Feb. 11th at 1800 UTC (Photo: NASA)

Technicians prepare NASA’s Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) satellite for its scheduled launch on Monday, Feb. 11 at 1800 UTC. (NASA)

When sockeye salmon migrate from salt water to fresh water, they change color--going from their ocean colors of mostly silver to red when in fresh water (Photo: Dr. Tom Quinn, University of Washington)

Sockeye salmon migrate from salt water to fresh water in British Columbia’s Fraser River, changing from their silvery ocean colors to red in fresh water. (Tom Quinn, University of Washington)

The Orion nebula is featured in this sweeping image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. (Image: NASA)

The Orion nebula is showcased in this sweeping image from NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). (NASA)

An Atlas V rocket carrying NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-K (TDRS-K), streaks past the Vehicle Assembly Building and Launch Complex 39 at Kennedy Space Center in Florida  (Photo: NASA)

An Atlas V rocket carrying NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-K (TDRS-K) streaks past a building at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (NASA)

Science Images of the Week

This artist's concept illustrates the new view of the Milky Way.  Scientists have discovered that the Milky Way's elegant spiral structure is dominated by just two arms wrapping off the ends of a central bar of stars. Previously, our galaxy was thought to possess four major arms. (Image: NASA)

Artist’s concept of a new view of the Milky Way. Scientists have discovered the Milky Way’s elegant spiral structure is dominated by two arms wrapping off the ends of a central bar of stars. Our galaxy was previously thought to possess four major arms. (NASA)

Native to Madagascar, this is an indri, one of the largest living lemurs in the world. (Photo: Meredith Barrett)

Native to Madagascar, this is an indri, one of the largest living lemurs in the world. (Meredith Barrett)

This is a Spallation Neutron Source cavity assembly in the clean room the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Virginia. It's a piece of a particle accelerator that scientists use to provide the most intense pulsed neutron beams in the world.  (Photo: Jefferson Lab)

This is a Spallation Neutron Source cavity assembly in the clean room the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Virginia. It’s a piece of a particle accelerator scientists use to provide the most intense pulsed neutron beams in the world. (Jefferson Lab)

With its solar panels deployed, this is the spacecraft that will be used for NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission as seen in a clean room at the Lockheed Martin Space Systems Sunnyvale, Calif. The spacecraft is scheduled to be launched this April. (Photo: Lockheed Martin)

NASA will use this spacecraft, seen here with its solar panels deployed  in a clean room at Lockheed Martin in Sunnyvale, California, for its Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission scheduled for launch this April. (Lockheed Martin)

Immune system cells, called macrophages, normally engulf and kill intruding bacteria but sometimes the microbes, shown in red, find a way to escape into the interior of the cell where it can multiply and invade other cells.  (Photo: Miao lab, UNC School of Medicine)

Immune system cells, called macrophages, normally engulf and kill intruding bacteria but sometimes the microbes, shown in red, find a way to escape into the interior of the cell where it can multiply and invade other cells. (Miao lab, UNC School of Medicine)

A large male purple marsh crab (Sesarma reticulatum) is seen clipping cordgrass with its claws. These crabs are nocturnal and typically live in burrows during the day to stay moist and avoid predators.  (Photo: Tyler Coverdale)

A large male purple marsh crab (Sesarma reticulatum) clips cordgrass with its claws. These crabs are nocturnal and typically live in burrows during the day to stay moist and avoid predators. (Tyler Coverdale)

This is a single 5 minute exposure taken recently in Buenos Aires on an Argentinian summer night.  It shows not only Earth clouds but starry clouds, the pinkish glow of the Carina Nebula, and Small Magellanic Clouds.  The line arcing from the center of the right side to the lower left is the orbiting International Space Station. (Photo & Copyright: Luis Argerich)

This is a single five-minute exposure taken recently in Buenos Aires on an Argentinian summer night. It shows not only Earth clouds but starry clouds, the pinkish glow of the Carina Nebula and Small Magellanic Clouds. The line arcing from the center of the right side to the lower left is the orbiting International Space Station. (Photo & Copyright: Luis Argerich)

Before workers with NASA's US Antarctic Program are sent out into the field they must first undergo training to help them endure the harsh Antarctic conditions.  Here's a look at their training camp site that was set up on the Ross Ice Shelf ,the largest ice shelf of Antarctica.  (Photo: NASA)

Before workers with NASA’s US Antarctic Program are sent into the field, they must first undergo training to endure the harsh Antarctic conditions. Here’s a look at their training camp site, set up on the Ross Ice Shelf ,the largest ice shelf of Antarctica. ( NASA)

Found in the waters surrounding the Philippines a moray eel poses for a photo. (Photo: M. J. Costello)

Found in the waters surrounding the Philippines, a moray eel poses for a photo. (M. J. Costello)

Science Images of the Week

NASA's Cassini spacecraft recently delivered a spectacular view of Saturn, taken while the spacecraft was in Saturn's shadow. The cameras were turned toward Saturn and the sun so that the planet and rings are backlit. (Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute)

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft recently snapped this spectacular view of Saturn, taken while the spacecraft was in Saturn’s shadow. The cameras were turned toward Saturn and the Sun so that the planet and rings are backlit. (NASA)

A sabal causiarum, commonly known as the Puerto Rican hat palm was planted in 1932 at the Montgomery Botanical Center in Coral Gables Florida.  (Photo: P. Barry Tomlinson, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Miami/American Journal of Botany)

This sabal causiarum, commonly known as the Puerto Rican hat palm, was planted in 1932 at the Montgomery Botanical Center in Coral Gables Florida. (P. Barry Tomlinson, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Miami/American Journal of Botany)

This is an instrument setup for an astrophysics experiment at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), a linear accelerator that produces X-ray pulses that can capture images of atoms and molecules in motion. (Photo: Jose R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia/Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)

This linear accelerator produces x-ray pulses that capture images of atoms and molecules in motion and is for an astrophysics experiment at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS),. (Jose R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia/Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)

This photo, taken recently at a slow shutter speed shows lava flowing down central Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano.(AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa)

Lava flows down central Ecuador’s Tungurahua volcano in this photo taken at a slow shutter speed. (AP)

This is a map of the moon's gravity field as measured by NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL). The two spacecraft that carried out the GRAIL mission was recently crashed into the surface of the Moon by the US space agency. (Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MIT/GSFC)

A map of the moon’s gravity field, as measured by NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL). Areas colored in red have a high degree of local gravity, the blue blotches show lower local gravity, and other colors indicate varying degrees of local gravity in between red and blue. (NASA)

This is a diamond anvil cell (DAC). This device has been used in experiments by scientists to recreate the pressure that exists deep inside planets. (Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt, Berkeley Lab)

Scientists use this device, a diamond anvil cell (DAC), in experiments to recreate the pressure that exists deep inside planets. (Roy Kaltschmidt, Berkeley Lab)

Looking like a brightly colored holiday ribbon, here's a striking image of the planetary nebula, NGC-5198 taken recently by the Hubble Space Telescope.  (Image: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA))

This striking image of the planetary nebula NGC-5198, was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. (NASA)

The six huge fans shown here provide the wind for the wind tunnel at NASA's National Full-scale Aerodynamics Complex in California (Photo: NASA Ames/Tom Trower)

These six huge fans provide wind for the wind tunnel at NASA’s National Full-scale Aerodynamics Complex in California. (NASA)

This is a hawksbill sea turtle. It's an endangered animal and is one of seven species of the world's sea turtles. It's shell is made up of overlapping plates that are thicker than those of other sea turtles. This heavy duty shell protects them from being battered. (Photo: Caroline S. Rogers/NOAA)

This endangered hawksbill is one of seven species of the world’s sea turtle. Its shell is made up of overlapping plates which are thicker than those of other sea turtles. This heavy-duty shell protects them from being battered. (NOAA)

Here's another interesting volcano photo that was taken from the International Space Station.  The huge plume of smoke is from the erupting volcano Ulawan located on the island of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. (Photo: NASA)

In a photo captured from the International Space Station, a mammoth plume of smoke emanates from the erupting Ulawan volcano, located on the island of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. (NASA)

Science Images of the Week

This NASA image shows the work site of the Curiosity rover on Mars. The first test of Martian soil by Curiosity shows no definitive evidence that the red planet has the chemical ingredients to support life. (NASA)

NASA’s artist rendering of Voyager 1 at the edge of the solar system. The long-running spacecraft has entered the fringes of the solar system which is thought to be the last layer before the beginning of interstellar space, or the space between stars. Mission chief scientist Ed Stone says Voyager 1 will be the first manmade object to leave the solar system. (AP Photo/NASA)

A 68-mile-diameter crater, large indentation at center, in the north polar region of Mercury which has been shown to harbor water ice, thanks to measurements by the Messenger spacecraft. (AP Photo/NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington)

Joe Wasilewski works with a captured Nile crocodile, caught near his Homestead, Fla., home. State wildlife officials have given their agents a rare order to shoot to kill in the hunt for a young and potentially dangerous Nile crocodile loose near Miami. “They get big. They’re vicious. The animals are just more aggressive and they learn that humans are easy targets,” says Wasilewski, a reptile expert and veteran wrangler. (AP)

The Plosky Tolbachnik volcano erupts in Russia’’s Far Eastern Kamchatka Peninsula. The volcano, located on the peninsula’s eastern coast, is erupting for the first time in 36 years. (AP)

In an undated photo, Glenn Storrs, left, helps haul a dinosaur fossil on a contraption made from two hospital gurneys and a motorcycle wheel, dubbed the dino wheel, near Pryor Mountains in Montana. After 10 years of painstakingly unearthing scattered dinosaur fossils at a site along the base of the Pryor Mountains, Storrs believes he has finally figured out how the bones arrived at their final resting place 145 million to 150 million years ago. His theory is that a group of young dinosaurs, probably migrating with adults, died of thirst while searching for a wetter environment.
   (AP Photo/Courtesy of Cincinnati Museum Center via The Billings Gazette)

A shadow self-portrait taken by NASA’’s Opportunity rover on the Martian surface. The solar-powered spacecraft has been exploring a huge crater in the Martian southern hemisphere and has detected what appear to be clay minerals. (AP Photo NASA)

Multiple dust plumes are seen blowing off the coasts of Iran and Pakistan in this NASA handout image taken Nov. 29, 2012. These images document the movement of the plumes southward over the Arabian Sea. (REUTER/NASA/Jeff Schmaltz)

The moon Tethys (in the upper left of the image) is seen next to Saturn in this NASA image taken from the Cassini spacecraft on Aug. 19, 2012 and released Dec. 3, 2012. Saturn’s rings appear to dwarf Tethys (660 miles, or 1,062 kilometers across) although scientists believe the moon to be many times more massive than the entire ring system combined. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 1.5 million miles (2.4 million kilometers) from Saturn. (REUTERS/NASA)

n this photo made Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, The Plosky Tolbachnik volcano erupts in Russia on Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012, for the first time in 36 years. (AP)

Science Images of the Week

After spending 4 months aboard the International Space Station, three Expedition 33 crewmembers recently returned to Earth in their Soyuz spacecraft. The spacecraft which made a rare night landing touched down in a remote area of Kazakhstan. (Photo: NASA/Bill Ingalls)

After four months aboard the International Space Station, three Expedition 33 crewmembers returned to Earth in their Soyuz spacecraft, making a rare night landing in a remote area of Kazakhstan. (NASA)

This is a view of Antarctica’s Sheldon Glacier with Mount Barre in the background.  The photo was taken by scientists participating in a new NASA/British Antarctica Survey study that is trying to find out why Antarctic sea ice cover has increased under the effects of climate change over the past two decades. (Photo: British Antarctic Survey)

Antarctica’s Sheldon Glacier with Mount Barre in the background. This photo was taken by scientists participating in a new NASA/British Antarctica Survey studying the effects of climate change on Antarctic sea ice cover. (British Antarctic Survey)

Scientists will soon conduct experiments to hunt for one of nature's most elusive particles, "dark matter."  An important tool to be used in the experiment is the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) detector.  Here’s a top-down view of the copper photomultiplier tube mounting structure, which is a key component of the detector.  (Photo: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) detector is an important tool in scientists’ search for dark matter, one of nature’s most elusive particles.  This is a top-down view of the copper photomultiplier tube mounting structure, a key component of the detector. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

An adult female walrus sits on an ice floe and poses for photos just off the Eastern Chukchi Sea in Alaska.  (Photo: S.A. Sonsthagen/USGS)

An adult female walrus sits on an ice floe just off the Eastern Chukchi Sea in Alaska. (S.A. Sonsthagen/USGS)

NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) was snapping pictures of the Sun recently when it erupted with two prominence eruptions, one after the other over a four-hour period.  Fortunately the expanding particle clouds heading into space weren’t directed at Earth.  (Photo: NASA)

The Sun recently experienced two prominent eruptions, which occurred one after the other over a four-hour period. Fortunately, the expanding particle clouds shooting into space weren’t directed at Earth. (NASA)

This is a view of the country side in Binghamton, NY as seen from inside a US National Weather Service radar radome (which protects radar components from the elements).  The weather radar was recently taken offline so that repairs could be made.  (Photo: NOAA/NWS)

A view of the countryside in Binghamton, NY as seen from inside a US National Weather Service radar radome (which protects radar components from the elements). The weather radar was recently taken offline so that repairs could be made. (NOAA/NWS)

This is Titan, the world’s most powerful and fastest supercomputer located at the Oakridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.  Titan has computational capability is on par with each of the world’s 7 billion people being able to carry out 3 million calculations per second.   (Photo: Oakridge National Laboratory)

Titan, the world’s most powerful and fastest supercomputer, is located at the Oakridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. Titan’s computational capability is on par with each of the world’s 7 billion people being able to carry out 3 million calculations per second. (Oakridge National Laboratory)

A group of galaxies glow like fireflies on a dark night in this image snapped recently by the Hubble Space Telescope.  (Image: ESA/NASA/Hubble)

A group of galaxies glows like fireflies on a dark night in this image snapped recently by the Hubble Space Telescope. (NASA)

A cluster of lightning over the US National Severe Storms Lab Probe #2 minivan that measures weather statistics as it travels through storms.  (Photo: NOAA)

A cluster of lightning over a US National Severe Storms Lab Probe minivan which measures weather statistics as it travels through storms. (NOAA)

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Ames Laboratory are working to more effectively remove a rare earth element (group of closely related metallic elements) called neodymium from the mix of other materials in a magnet.  Here rare-earth magnet scraps are melted in a furnace with magnesium. (Photo: DOE/Ames Laboratory)

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Ames Laboratory are working to more effectively remove a rare earth element (group of closely related metallic elements) called neodymium from the mix of other materials in a magnet. Here rare-earth magnet scraps are melted in a furnace with magnesium. (DOE/Ames Laboratory)

Science Images of the Week

Astronauts on the International Space Station recently used a digital camera to capture several hundred photographs of the Aurora Australis, or the “southern lights”. Solar panels and other sections of the ISS fill some of the upper right side of the photograph.  (Photo: NASA)

Astronauts on the International Space Station recently used a digital camera to capture several hundred photographs of the Aurora Australis, or the “southern lights.”  (Photo: NASA)

A research team from the University at Buffalo (New York) that has been studying glaciers at Ayr Lake on Baffin Island, Canada found that the island's glaciers reacted rapidly to past climate change, providing what they say is a rare glimpse into glacier sensitivity to climate events. (Photo: Jason Briner via NSF)

A research team from the University at Buffalo in New York, studying glaciers at Ayr Lake on Baffin Island, Canada, found the island’s glaciers reacted rapidly to past climate change, providing what they say is a rare glimpse into glacier sensitivity to climate events. (Photo: Jason Briner via NSF)

The lava lake in the Halemaʻumaʻu crater of Hawaii’s Kīlauea volcano spits and sputters with occasional bursts of volcanic material. (Photo: USGS)

The lava lake in the Halemaʻumaʻu crater of Hawaii’s Kīlauea volcano spits and sputters with occasional bursts of volcanic material. (Photo: USGS)

Two galaxies becoming one - this is a Hubble photo of NGC 2623 which is really two galaxies that are in the final stages of a titanic galaxy merger some 300 million light-years away.  (Photo: NASA)

Two galaxies becoming one. This is a Hubble telescope photo of NGC 2623, two galaxies in the final stages of a titanic galaxy merger, located some 300 million light-years away. (Photo: NASA)

This is NASA’s SMiRF - Small Multi-Purpose Research Facility that evaluates the performance of thermal protection systems required to provide long-term storage and transfer of cryogenic propellants in space. Recent testing was done over a range of temperatures as low as -253°C and tank pressures from 20-80 psia (pounds per square inch absolute). (Photo: NASA & Bridget R. Caswell (Wyle Information Systems, LLC))

NASA’s Small Multi-Purpose Research Facility ( SMiRF ) evaluates the performance of thermal protection systems required to provide long-term storage and transfer of cryogenic propellants in space. Recent testing was done over a range of temperatures as low as -253°C and tank pressures from 20-80 psia (pounds per square inch absolute). (Photo: NASA & Bridget R. Caswell (Wyle Information Systems, LLC))

The Soyuz rocket, carrying ISS Expedition 33 crew members, launches to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Tuesday 10-23-12.  (Photo: NASA/Bill Ingalls)

The Soyuz rocket carrying ISS Expedition 33 crew members launches to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (Photo: NASA)

Paragorga arborea, also known as bubblegum coral, is an abundant coral species that can grow massive colonies, can reach up to 8 meters in height and can be hundreds of years old. (Photo: NOAA/MBARI)

Paragorga arborea, also known as bubblegum coral, is an abundant coral species that can grow massive colonies, and has been found at polar, subpolar, and subtropical regions of all of the world’s oceans. It can reach up to eight meters in height and live up to 100 years.  (Photo: NOAA/MBARI)

A look at the center of our galaxy – Using a massive nine-gigapixel image from the VISTA infrared survey telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile, an international team of astronomers has created a catalog of more than 84 million stars located in the central parts of the Milky Way.  The image is so large that, if printed with the resolution of a typical book, it would be 9 meters long and 7 meters tall.  (Photo: ESO/VVV Consortium/Ignacio Toledo)

A look at the center of our galaxy. Using a massive nine-gigapixel image, (from the VISTA infrared survey telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile) an international team of astronomers has created a catalog of more than 84 million stars located in the central parts of the Milky Way. The image is so large that, if printed with the resolution of a typical book, it would be 9 meters long and 7 meters tall. (Photo: ESO/VVV Consortium/Ignacio Toledo)

This is a robot at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that has been coded with PaR-PaR, which stands for Programming a Robot; a simple high-level, biology-friendly, robot-programming language that allows researchers to make better use of liquid-handling robots and thereby make possible experiments that otherwise might not have been considered.  (Photo: Roy Kaltschmidt, Berkeley Lab)

This is a robot at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that has been coded with PaR-PaR, which stands for Programming a Robot; a simple, high-level, biology-friendly, robot-programming language that allows researchers to make better use of liquid-handling robots and thereby make possible experiments that otherwise might not have been considered. (Photo: Roy Kaltschmidt, Berkeley Lab)

A bright particle of material found in a hole dug by the Curiosity Martian rover caused a bit of concern at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory because another similar object, found nearby, was identified as a piece of debris from the spacecraft.  However, the mission's science team assessed the bright particles in this scooped pit to be native Martian material rather than spacecraft debris. (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

A bright particle of material found in a hole dug by the Curiosity Martian rover caused a bit of concern at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory because another similar object, found nearby, was identified as a piece of debris from the spacecraft. However, the mission’s science team assessed the bright particles in this scooped pit to be native Martian material rather than spacecraft debris. (Photo: NASA)

NASA is funding research for a potentially revolutionary technology that would be capable of detecting, with atomic-level precision, gravitational waves that were predicted in Einstein’s general theory of relativity. (Photo: NASA)

NASA/Goddard physicist Babak Saif checks an oscilloscope as he works on a project that would be capable of detecting, with atomic-level precision, gravitational waves that were predicted in Einstein’s general theory of relativity. (Photo: NASA)

Science Images of the Week

NASA's Swift satellite recently detected a growing flow of high-energy X-rays from somewhere near the center of our galaxy. The outburst, pictured in this illustration was produced by a rare X-ray nova and announced the presence of a previously unknown stellar-mass black hole. (Image: NASA)

NASA’s Swift satellite recently detected a growing flow of high-energy X-rays from somewhere near the center of our galaxy. The outburst, pictured in this illustration, was produced by a rare X-ray nova and announced the presence of a previously unknown stellar-mass black hole. (Image: NASA)

A school of Kokanee Salmon returns to the streams from which they were hatched. There they select a mate, spawn and die.  As the salmon make their annual fall migration both sexes turn from their usual silver/blue color to a brilliant red. (Photo: United States Forest Service)

A school of Kokanee Salmon returns to the streams from which they were hatched. There, they select a mate, spawn and die. As the salmon make their annual fall migration, both sexes turn from their usual silver/blue color to a brilliant red. (Photo: United States Forest Service)

This image from the right Mast Camera (Mastcam) of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows a scoop full of sand and dust lifted by the rover's first use of the scoop on its robotic arm.  (Photo: NASA)

This image from the right Mast Camera (Mastcam) of NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity shows sand and dust lifted by the rover’s first use of the scoop on its robotic arm. (Photo: NASA)

A 700kg crocodile called Rex calmly waits just beneath the water's surface for some food after coming out of a three-month hibernation at the Wild Life Sydney zoo in Sydney, Australia. (Photo: AP)

A 700kg crocodile called Rex calmly waits just beneath the water’s surface for some food after coming out of a three-month hibernation at the Wild Life Sydney Zoo in Sydney, Australia. (Photo: AP)

No, these aren't miniature UFOs but are tiny cube shaped satellites that were released into space from the airlock of the International Space Station's Kibo laboratory. One of these little CubeSats was developed by a group of student interns from San Jose State University and will be used for a communications experiment (Photo: NASA)

No, these aren’t miniature UFOs. The tiny cube-shaped satellites were released into space from the International Space Station’s Kibo laboratory. One of these little CubeSats was developed by student interns at San Jose State University and will be used for a communications experiment (Photo: NASA)

The interior of the neutrino detector at Daya Bay in the People's Republic of China, where a multinational team of researchers from China, the United States, Taiwan, and the Czech Republic are studying neutrino oscillations. Neutrinos are electrically neutral elementary subatomic particles that can travel through great distances of matter without being affected by it.  (Photo: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

The interior of the neutrino detector at Daya Bay in the People’s Republic of China, where a multi-national team of researchers from China, the United States, Taiwan, and the Czech Republic are studying neutrino oscillations. Neutrinos are electrically neutral elementary subatomic particles that can travel through great distances of matter without being affected by it. (Photo: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

In a combined image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), this is the Helix Nebula, which has also been called the “Eye of God.”  At the nebula's heart is a dying star.  In its death throes, the star's outer layers unravel into space and is set aglow by powerful ultraviolet radiation that's being pumped out by it's hot stellar core. (Photo: NASA)

This combined image from NASA is of the Helix Nebula, which has also been called the “Eye of God.” At the nebula’s heart is a dying star. In its death throes, the star’s outer layers unravel into space and are set aglow by powerful ultraviolet radiation pumped out by its hot stellar core. (Photo: NASA)

A monarch butterfly stops for a rest during it's fall migration. The butterfly can journey up to nearly 5,000 km to its winter home in Mexico or Southern California. In the spring they make another epic trip as they return to the north. (Photo: USDA)

A monarch butterfly stops for a rest during its fall migration. The butterfly can journey up to nearly 5,000 km to its winter home in Mexico or Southern California. In the spring, they make another epic trip as they return to areas up north. (Photo: USDA)

This time exposure photo shows the Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket lifting off from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The rocket with it's Dragon space capsule payload just made its first commercial delivery of supplies to the International Space Station. (Photo: AP)

This time-exposure photo shows the Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket lifting off from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The rocket, with its Dragon space capsule payload, just made its first commercial delivery of supplies to the International Space Station. (Photo: AP)

Science Images of the Week

This is the Z machine, its the largest X-ray generator in the world and is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It concentrates electrical energy and turns it into short pulses of enormous power, which can then be used to generate X-rays and gamma rays. (Photo: Image: Randy Montoya/Sandia National Laboratories)

The Z machine, the largest X-ray generator in the world, is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It concentrates electrical energy, turning it into short pulses of enormous power, which can then be used to generate X-rays and gamma rays. (Photo: Image: Randy Montoya/Sandia National Laboratories)

The farthest-ever view of the universe. Hubble's "extreme Deep Field (XDF) is a composite made from 2,000 images, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope over a 10 year period. (Credit: NASA; ESA; G. Illingworth, D. Magee, and P. Oesch, University of California, Santa Cruz; R. Bouwens, Leiden University; and the HUDF09 Team)

The farthest-ever view of the universe. Hubble’s Extreme Deep Field (XDF) is a composite made from 2,000 images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope over a 10-year period. (Credit: NASA)

An orange elephant ear sponge or Agelas clathrodes that was found in NOAA's Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary located in the Gulf of Mexico.  (Photo: NOAA)

This orange elephant ear sponge, or Agelas clathrodes, was found in NOAA’s Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the Gulf of Mexico. (Photo: NOAA)

The Curiosity rover may found evidence of an ancient stream bed when it took this picture of a Martian rock outcrop called Link.  The outcrop has characteristics that are consistent with a rock that was formed by the water deposits and transport. (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

The Curiosity rover may found evidence of an ancient stream bed. This picture of a Martian rock outcrop called Link has characteristics consistent with a rock formed by water deposits and transport. (Photo: NASA)

African penguins gather to keep warm as others are fed sardines by staff at the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds after they were recently found covered in oil on Robben Island, Cape Town, South Africa. (Photo: AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam)

African penguins gather to keep warm as some are fed sardines at the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds.  The penguins were recently found covered in oil on Robben Island, Cape Town, South Africa. (Photo: AP)

A shot of the space shuttle Endeavour, atop the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, when it recently landed  at the Los Angeles International Airport.  The flight marked the final scheduled ferry flight of the Space Shuttle Program.  The shuttle will be placed on public display at the California Science Center. (Photo: NASA/Matt Hedges)

Space shuttle Endeavour, atop the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, comes in for a landing at the Los Angeles International Airport. It was the final scheduled ferry flight of the US Space Shuttle Program. Endeavour will be placed on public display at the California Science Center in Los Angeles.  (Photo: NASA)

A multi-university team used a high-powered laser - based at the University of California, Santa Barbara - to improve an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer, one of the tools scientists use to study the world at the atomic level. (Photo: UCSB/Susumu Takahashi)

A high-powered laser – based at the University of California, Santa Barbara – is used to study the world at the atomic level. (Photo: UCSB/Susumu Takahashi)

A cardiac balloon catheter embeded with a mesh of sensors and electronics is being developed by researchers at the University of Illinois. When placed inside a cardiac patient’s heart, a device such as this may allow for a better and more efficient diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias. (Photo: J. Rogers, University of Illinois)

A cardiac balloon catheter embeded with a mesh of sensors and electronics is being developed by researchers at the University of Illinois. When placed inside a cardiac patient’s heart, a device such as this may allow for a better and more efficient diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias. (Photo: J. Rogers, University of Illinois)

Technicians and scientists, in the clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., check out one of the first two flight mirrors that will be used on the new Webb Space Telescope. (Photo: NASA/Chris Gunn)

Technicians and scientists in the clean room at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, check out one of the first two flight mirrors that will be used on the new Webb Space Telescope. (Photo: NASA)

Science Images of the Week

A mosaic of images of Saturn and its moon, Titan, taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Seasons have changed on Saturn, the azure blue in the planet’s northern hemisphere is now fading while the southern hemisphere is now taking on a bluish hue. Scientists say these changes are likely due to the reduced intensity of ultraviolet light and the haze it produces in the southern hemisphere as winter approaches, and the increasing intensity of ultraviolet light and haze production in the northern hemisphere as summer approaches. (Photo: NASA)

A composite of a mosaic of images of Saturn and its moon, Titan, taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. Seasons have changed on Saturn, the azure blue in the planet’s northern hemisphere is now fading while the southern hemisphere is now taking on a bluish hue. Scientists say these changes are likely due to the reduced intensity of ultraviolet light and the haze it produces in the southern hemisphere as winter approaches, and the increasing intensity of ultraviolet light and haze production in the northern hemisphere as summer approaches. (Photo: NASA)

The Soyuz TMA-04M spacecraft with ISS Expedition 32 Commander Gennady Padalka of Russia, NASA Flight Engineer Joe Acaba and Russian Flight Engineer Sergei Revin lands in a remote area near the town of Arkalyk, Kazakhstan, on Sept. 17, 2012 (Kazakhstan time). (Photo: NASA/Carla Cioffi)

The Soyuz TMA-04M spacecraft, carrying two cosmonauts and a NASA flight engineer, lands in a remote area near the town of Arkalyk, Kazakhstan, on Sept. 17, 2012. (Photo: NASA)

NASA Flight Engineer Joe Acaba signs the side of his Soyuz TMA-04M spacecraft that brought him and his crew mates back to Earth on September 17, 2012.  Acaba, along with Gennady Padalka and Sergei Revin of Russia returned from four months on board the International Space Station where they served as members of the Expedition 31 and 32 crews. (Photo: NASA/Carla Cioffi)

NASA Flight Engineer Joe Acaba signs the side of the Soyuz TMA-04M spacecraft which brought him and his crew mates back to Earth on Sept. 17, 2012. Acaba, along with Gennady Padalka and Sergei Revin of Russia, returned from four months on board the International Space Station where they served as members of the Expedition 31 and 32 crews. (Photo: NASA)

A giraffe calf was recently born at the Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield, MO. Here, the baby giraffe sits while mother licks its head (Photo: Dickerson Park Zoo)

A giraffe calf, which was recently born at the Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield, Missouri, with its mother. (Photo: Dickerson Park Zoo)

With the Martian landscape in the background this is the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), one of seventeen cameras on NASA’s Curiosity rover. The photo was recently taken by the rover’s Mast Camera – MastCam (Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

With the Martian landscape in the background, this is the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), one of 17 cameras on NASA’s Curiosity rover. The photo was taken by the rover’s Mast Camera – MastCam (Photo: NASA)

The Heat Island Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory works to cool buildings, cities, and the planet by making roofs, pavements, and cars cooler in the sun.  Here, Jordan Woods takes measurements of new cool pavement coating using a device albedometer. Other sample pavement coatings can be seen behind him. (Photo: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

The Heat Island Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory works to cool buildings, cities, and the planet by making roofs, pavements, and cars cooler in the sun. Here, Jordan Woods takes measurements of new cooler pavement coating. Other sample pavement coatings can be seen behind him. (Photo: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

While the Mars rover Curiosity is the center of attention right now, Opportunity, a rover that has been on the Red Planet since January 2004 recently sent images of a collection of little spheres that scientists nicknamed ‘blueberries’.  These puzzling little objects were found on an outcrop of rock called "Kirkwood" and each is about 3 millimeters in diameter. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ. / USGS/Modesto Junior College)

Opportunity, a rover which has been on Mars since January 2004, captured this image of little spheres that scientists nicknamed ‘blueberries.’ These puzzling little objects were found on an outcrop of rock called “Kirkwood” and each is about 3 millimeters in diameter. (Photo: NASA)

An extreme close up of a wild tomato’s trichomes, hair-like protrusions, that produce a mixture of special chemicals that shape the interactions between the plant and its environment some of which act as the first line of defense against pests. (Photo: Michigan State University)

An extreme close up of a wild tomato’s trichomes, hair-like protrusions that produce a mixture of special chemicals which shape the interactions between the plant and its environment, some of which act as the first line of defense against pests. (Photo: Michigan State University)

Astronomers recently discovered two gas giant planets orbiting stars in the Beehive cluster, a collection of about 1,000 tightly packed stars. The planets are the first ever found around sun-like stars in a cluster of stars. This is an artist’s conception of one of the gas giants to the right of its sun-like star, and all around, the stars of the Beehive cluster shine brightly in the dark. (Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Shown above are the spiral galaxies NGC 3788 (top) and NGC 3786 (bottom) in the constellation Ursa Major (home of the Big Dipper). These two galaxies, like many found throughout the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, are gravitationally interacting. (Photo: Sloan Digital Sky Survey) 

A close look at active lava flows produced by Hawaii's Kīlauea Volcano (Photo: USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory)

A close look at active lava flows produced by Hawaii’s Kīlauea Volcano (Photo: USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory)

Science Images of the Week

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recently caught this spectacular coronal mass ejection (CME).  The sun spat out a more than 804,672 km long filament of solar material that had been hovering in the sun's corona.  The CME did not travel directly toward Earth,, but did connect with Earth's magnetic environment, or magnetosphere, with a glancing blow leaving beautiful auroras in its wake.  (Photo: NASA)

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recently caught this spectacular coronal mass ejection (CME). The sun spat out a more than 804,672-km-long filament of solar material that had been hovering in the sun’s corona. The CME did not travel directly toward Earth, but did connect with Earth’s magnetic environment, or magnetosphere, with a glancing blow that left beautiful auroras in its wake. (Photo: NASA)

A team led by scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has made the first-ever mechanical device that can measure the mass of individual molecules one at a time. This scanning electron micrograph shows one of devices. The scale bar at the bottom is two microns (millionths of a meter).  (Photo: Caltech / Scott Kelber and Michael Roukes)

The world’s smallest scale, which cannot be seen with the human eye. Developed by a team led by scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the device measures the mass of individual molecules.  It is so tiny that an electron miscroscope is needed to photograph it.  The scale bar at the bottom is two microns (millionths of a meter).  (Photo: Caltech / Scott Kelber and Michael Roukes)

Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, Expedition 32 commander, participates in a session of extravehicular activity (EVA) to continue outfitting the International Space Station. (Photo: NASA)

Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, Expedition 32 commander, participates in a session of extravehicular activity (EVA) to continue outfitting the International Space Station. (Photo: NASA)

A concentrating solar power (CSP) system in Albuquerque, New Mexico. CSPs concentrate a large area sunlight with mirrors and lenses. This produces heat that is converted to head, driving an electrical power system. (Photo: Randy Montoya/Sandia National Laboratory)

A Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) system in Albuquerque, New Mexico. CSPs concentrate a large area sunlight with mirrors and lenses.  The concentrated sunlight is then converted into heat, which drives a turbine power system to produce electricity. (Photo: Randy Montoya/Sandia National Laboratory)

The famous "boot" shape of Italy is illuminated by the country's night lights.  Photo taken aboard the International Space Station. You can also see Sardinia and Corsica are just above left center of the photo, and Sicily is at lower left. (Photo: NASA)

The famous “boot” shape of Italy is illuminated by the country’s night lights.  In this photo, taken from aboard the International Space Station, you can also see Sardinia and Corsica just above the left center of the photo. Sicily is at lower left.  (Photo: NASA)

Beluga whales at Marine Land in Canada pose for the camera.  Marine mammals, such as these whales, are protected within the United States by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972.  Before they can be brought into the US or put on public display permits, issued by the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Fisheries service must first be obtained.  (Photo: Jennifer Skidmore/NOAA)

Beluga whales at Marine Land in Canada pose for the camera. Marine mammals, such as these whales, are protected within the United States by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972. Before they can be brought into the US or put on public display, permits, issued by the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), must be obtained. (Photo: Jennifer Skidmore/NOAA)

A composite image taken by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a superbubble in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), The massive stars produce intense radiation, expel matter at high speeds, and race through their evolution to explode as supernovas. The winds and supernova shock waves carve out huge  cavities called superbubbles in the surrounding gas. (Photo: NASA)

A composite image taken by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory shows a superbubble in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), The massive stars produce intense radiation, expel matter at high speeds, and race through their evolution to explode as supernovas. The winds and supernova shock waves carve out huge cavities called superbubbles in the surrounding gas. (Photo: NASA)

Droughts have taken a toll on many parts of the United States.  As a result, a number of wildfires, mostly in the western U.S. have broken out. According to the NOAA, as of August 8, 2012 wildfires have consumed over 4,088,349 acres of land. Here firefighters continue burnout operations on the Sawmill Canyon Fire in Wyoming. (Photo: U.S. Forest Service)

Droughts have taken a toll on many parts of the United States. As a result, a number of wildfires, mostly in the western US, have broken out. According to NOAA, by Aug. 8, 2012, wildfires had consumed more than 4 million acres of land. Here, firefighters continue burnout operations on the Sawmill Canyon Fire in Wyoming. (Photo: U.S. Forest Service)

The first of 4 towers is about to be lifted as work continues on a wind turbine that's being installed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) in Colorado. (Photo: Dennis Schroeder/National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

The first of four towers about to be lifted as work continues on a giant wind turbine being installed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) in Colorado.  (Photo: Dennis Schroeder/National Renewable Energy Laboratory)

Of course our series of Science Images of the Week would not be complete without a snapshot from our favorite Mars rover, Curiosity. Here Curiosity takes a picture of tracks it made while out cruising around on the surface of Mars. (Photo: NASA)

Of course, our Science Images of the Week would not be complete without a snapshot from Mars. Here, the Curiosity rover takes a picture of tracks it made while cruising the surface of Mars. (Photo: NASA)

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