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M I S Survey Results

So far, RSA has received 15 answers on this survey.

Responses by state

StatesNumber of responsesPercent
New Mexico16.67%
New York16.67%
South Carolina16.67%
The next image presents the table of responses by state in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

Responses by affiliation

Affiliation Number of responsesPercent
State Agency staff853.33%
Other (please identify)320.00%
SRC member213.33%
(no answer)16.67%
The next image presents the table of responses by affiliation in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

Responses to Question 1 - The entire review process for FY 2010 facilitated the sharing of information among participants in the review process regarding the agency's performance.

Answer Number of responsesPercent
5 Strongly agree426.67%
4 Agree426.67%
3 Neither agree nor disagree320.00%
2 Disagree16.67%
1 Strongly disagree16.67%
No answer213.33%
The next image presents the table of responses to question 1 in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

Responses to Question 2 - The entire review process for FY 2010 considered opinions from different perspectives.

Answer Number of responsesPercent
5 Strongly agree426.67%
4 Agree640.00%
2 Disagree213.33%
1 Strongly disagree16.67%
No answer213.33%
The next image presents the table of responses to question 2 in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

Responses to Question 3 - The entire review process for FY 2010 fostered collaboration among all review participants.

Answer Number of responsesPercent
5 Strongly agree426.67%
4 Agree213.33%
3 Neither agree nor disagree426.67%
1 Strongly disagree213.33%
No answer320.00%
The next image presents the table of responses to question 3 in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

Responses to Question 4 - The entire review process for FY 2010 identified the agency's strengths.

Answer Number of responsesPercent
5 Strongly agree426.67%
4 Agree640.00%
3 Neither agree nor disagree213.33%
2 Disagree16.67%
No answer213.33%
The next image presents the table of responses to question 4 in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

Responses to Question 5 - focused on issues regarding the agency's performance.

Answer Number of responsesPercent
5 Strongly agree533.33%
4 Agree533.33%
3 Neither agree nor disagree16.67%
2 Disagree213.33%
No answer213.33%
The next image presents the table of responses to question 5 in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

Responses to Question 6 - was efficient.

Answer Number of responsesPercent
5 Strongly agree640.00%
4 Agree213.33%
3 Neither agree nor disagree320.00%
2 Disagree16.67%
1 Strongly disagree16.67%
No answer213.33%
The next image presents the table of responses to question 6 in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

Responses to Question 7 - included effective communication.

Answer Number of responsesPercent
5 Strongly agree640.00%
4 Agree16.67%
3 Neither agree nor disagree426.67%
2 Disagree16.67%
1 Strongly disagree16.67%
No answer213.33%
The next image presents the table of responses to question 7 in graphical format. Note to screen reader users: please ignore image mapping graphical links in the next image.

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