24th US Army War College Strategy Conference.

Conference Video

During the event, the conference sessions will be available via streaming media. Click here to view the sessions.

XXIV Annual Strategy Conference Presentations

See the agenda for complete panel composition.

The Future of American Landpower

War College LogoThe U.S. Army War College (USAWC) is hosting the XXIV Annual Strategy Conference in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, on April 9-11, 2013. This year's conference theme, "The Future of American Landpower," extends last year's "Future of U.S. Grand Strategy" insights by exploring American Landpower implications associated with an evolving national security strategy and the future international security environment. Conference panels will examine factors affecting Landpower development choices necessary for the U.S. Government to meet the challenges of the future security environment. Fundamental assumptions of the conference are that the U.S. economy is the foundation of America's strength and security, and that diplomacy backed by a strong military is necessary to shape America's future engagement around the world. Landpower development initiatives must take place within this reality.

The USAWC Annual Strategy Conference is the U.S. Army's flagship event for thoughtful examination of key strategic issues facing the Army, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Government. This year, Dr. John Miersheimer of the University of Chicago will kick off the event as the opening keynote speaker, and Dr. Andrew Krepenivich will provide the banquet keynote address. The conference will also include an on-stage interview by Margaret Warner of the PBS NewsHour. Conference panels will examine the Landpower implications of rival power transitions, social and political revolutions, international organized crime, the changing nature of alliances and partnerships, and the role of the military in advancing U.S. foreign policy.

This year's USAWC Annual Strategy Conference is a must-attend event for scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, and the informed public. World renowned speakers and panelists will explore today's security challenges and the related Landpower implications. Question and answer periods will offer the audience a rare opportunity to directly engage senior leaders, policy-makers, and experts. And a dedicated Twitter feed and a live webcast will offer viewers from around the world the opportunity to participate in the conversation as well.

Conference Agenda Administrative Information Conference Registration
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About the Conference
Each year, approximately two hundred participants engage in collegial debate concerning some of the most pressing and perplexing national security issues of the day. Panels are comprised of three to five distinguished experts who frame the discussion and facilitate a spirited Q&A session. The event is open to the public and all are invited to attend.
Conference Fees
While all attendees must register, the conference is free to attend. Optional catered social events require a paid reservation. For additional information, please see the conference registration page.
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