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Family Values

I am pro-life. I believe that life begins at conception and every life has a soul.  I also believe in traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

In Congress, I have stood up in defense of life and traditional marriage. As long as I am blessed to serve in Congress, I will continue to do so.  My first legislative act was to introduce the Taxpayer Protection Act, a piece of legislation, which would require states to report any funds they received through Medicaid and spent on organizations that perform, promote, or refer for abortion services.

Early in 2009, I was privileged to have several of my House colleagues join me in requesting a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on the amount of tax dollars that have been spent on organizations that promote or perform abortions.  In May, I received the report, which outlines that close to $1 billion in federal taxpayer funding were spent over the period of 2000-2008.

A majority of Americans oppose taxpayer funding for groups that promote or perform abortions.  With the national debt over $14 trillion - we must apply strict scrutiny to every federal dollar allocated.  Since coming to Congress, I have fought against unnecessary and excessive government spending in all areas. 

Olson Family Values Op/Eds:

Why I Ran For Congress - South Belt-Ellington Leader 9/9/2010


Family Values Bills Supported by Rep. Olson:

1. H.R. 217: Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act

Sponsor:Rep Black, Diane[R-TN-6] (introduced 1/4/2013) Cosponsors:165

2. H.R. 61: Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act

Sponsor:Rep Blackburn, Marsha[R-TN-7] (introduced 1/3/2013) Cosponsors: 83

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