Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)

Grid Integration

Energy Supply Transformation Needed

A lot that needs to be done to enable the transition towards larger shares of renewables in the power mix. The 5th International Conference on Integration of Renewable Energy and Distributed Energy Resources [4–6 December 2012, Berlin, Germany] brought together global participants from the energy sector to discuss the transformation of the power system, the challenges [...]

Stationary Energy Storage

On August 10, 2012, in

The contemporary grid limits renewable energy and other distributed energy sources from being economically and reliably integrated into the grid. While a national renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) has yet to be established, 35 states have forged ahead with their own RPS programs and policies. As this generation becomes a larger portion of a utility’s [...]

Transmission Grid Integration

On April 3, 2012, in

Sandia conducts its grid integration research in partnership with industry, academia, utilities, other national laboratories, research groups, and stakeholder groups. For a list of current collaborations, click here. Areas of focus for Sandia’s Grid Integration Program include: Operating prototyped PV systems and analyzing resulting data Modeling and analyzing short-term PV variability Developing PV system models [...]

Distribution Grid Integration

On April 3, 2012, in

Sandia conducts its grid integration research in partnership with industry, academia, utilities, other national laboratories, research groups, and stakeholder groups. For a list of current collaborations, click here. Areas of focus for Sandia’s Grid Integration Program include: Operating prototyped PV systems and analyzing resulting data Modeling and analyzing short-term PV variability Developing PV system models [...]

Experimental Smart Outlet Brings Flexibility, Resiliency to Grid Architecture

Sandia National Laboratories has developed an experimental “smart outlet” that autonomously measures, monitors and controls electrical loads with no connection to a centralized computer or system. The goal of the smart outlet and similar innovations is to make the power grid more distributed and intelligent, capable of reconfiguring itself as conditions change. Decentralizing power generation [...]

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