Site Office Oversight of National Lab Projects (Recovery Act)

clock September 14, 2012 15:45 by author Bulletin Board
An essential responsibility of the Office of Project Management and Evaluation (PME) is the oversight of all EERE Recovery Act projects.  As part of this oversight, PME recently conducted a review of the project management process for Recovery Act projects implemented by the national laboratories and managed by the DOE site offices. Over the course of six weeks, PME team members conducted interviews with nine selected site offices.  PME reviewed project data, monitoring reports, site specific procedures, and best practices. The resulting report showed that sound project management pr... [More]

Root Cause Analysis: Identifying Common Issues

clock September 4, 2012 10:51 by author Bulletin Board
Whether mandated by law or simply to address topics of interest, numerous audits are performed each year both internally by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and externally by other agencies or organizations. Internal DOE audits are typically carried out by the Office of Inspection General (OIG) while external ones are done by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) or independent auditing organizations. Regardless of who conducts the audits, the Office of Program Management and Evaluation (PME) within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) works closely as an au... [More]