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Nomination Form

This is the year (2011) to elect the offices of President, Secretary, Membership Director and the Regional Director offices for the following regions: Alaska, Central, Eastern and Great Lakes. You may nominate yourself or someone else. The nominee must have the following qualifications for office:

  • President - three consecutive years of active membership in the organization plus experience with the organization’s Board of Directors as either an elected or appointed officer or as a national committee chair.
  • Secretary - one year of active membership in the organization.
  • Membership Director - one year of active membership in the organization.
  • Regional Director: one year of active membership in the organization.

All nominees must sign their form for it to be valid. Each term of office will be from June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2013. May 2011 shall be used as a transition month for these elected positions. The next election for the offices of Vice President and Director of Resources and the Regional Director office for New England, Northwest Mountain, Southern, Southwest and Western Pacific will be in April 2012.


On a separate sheet of paper, respond to the items below. The information you provide will be used as part of the ballot package. Type answers, and spell out any unusual contractions. Be brief but complete. Questions 1 through 3 shall be in narrative form in the third person. Questions 4 and 5 will be printed as quotes.

  1. Nominee's FAA/Air Traffic background.
  2. Nominee's organizational (both PWC and others) background.
  3. Other information nominee considers important. (training, skills, experiences, etc.)
  4. "I am interested in (becoming/continuing as/returning as) a member of the PWC Board of Directors because ...."
  5. "As a member of the PWC Board of Directors, I would like to ...."

Submit completed nomination form, along with narrative statement to the address below to be received by February 15, 2011. The nominee will be sent an acknowledgment confirming receipt of the nomination and a list of general campaign guidelines.

Please plan to attend transition training for half a day the day after the conference (if elected).

Judy Noble, Elections Chair
1001 N. Vermont Street #108
Arlington, VA 22201