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Natural resource exploration
Techniques for locating deposits or stocks of useful minerals, water, and other resources using reconnaissance or instrumental methods.

Seismic exploration (1 items)

Results 1 - 11 of 11 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
1999 resource assessment of selected Tertiary coal beds and zones in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region. [More info]
Coal resources, stratigraphy, geochemistry, coal quality and geology of Tertiary coal beds and zones in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains regions. Text in PDF format and available on CD-ROM.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Red Sea Basin Province [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 5 billion barrels of undiscovered technically recoverable oil and 112 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
Central Region Mineral Resources Team [More info]
Site for programs of the Central Region Mineral Resources Team with links to products, personnel, projects and programs of land stewardship, regional geochemistry, analytical chemistry, geology and resources assessment and remote sensing.
National Coal Resource Assessment: Geologic assessment of coal in the Colorado Plateau: Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah [More info]
Coal resources, stratigraphy, geochemistry, coal quality and geology of coal in the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Text in PDF format and available on CD-ROM.
PDF Carbonatite and alkaline intrusion-related rare earth element deposits--A deposit model [More info]
Describes where and how mineral deposits of this type are found, including chemical and mineralogical characteristics, as well as unsolved scientific questions surrounding their origin.
Databases and simplified geology for mineralized areas, claims, mines, and prospects in Wyoming. [More info]
This data release contains mineral resource and geology data for metallic and nonmetallic mineral sites in Wyoming. Data is provided in both spreadsheet format (Microsoft Excel) and in GIS ArcView and MapInfo. Text available in PDF format.
Economics of undiscovered oil in the federal lands of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska [More info]
Online report summarizing the economic analysis of the U.S. Geological Survey's 2002 petroleum assessment of the Federal lands in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPRA) study area.
Gulf Coast Framework Studies Home Page [More info]
Provides geologic, geophysical, and geochemical framework studies that will aid in a reassessment of energy commodities (coal, gas, and oil) in the Gulf Coast Region.
National Petroleum Reserve Alaska Legacy Data Archive [More info]
Access is provided to seismic data, image files of seismic data, well logs, and cores of petroleum reserves in Alaska from the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, and (NPRA) Legacy Data Archive.
The Lewis and Clark expedition and the USGS [More info]
Because of its origin in natural resource surveys and the similarity of the USGS mission to Thomas Jefferson's charge to Meriwether Lewis, the USGS can be seen as the organizational successor to Lewis and Clark.
World Coal Quality Inventory (WoCQI) [More info]
Homepage of the World Coal Quality Inventory (WoCQI) with sample collection procedures.
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