New Media

Emory Launches New Tool to Visualize HIV Epidemic in the US

Screenshot of AIDSVu

Today, the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University launched AIDSVu , an interactive online map that, 30 years into the epidemic, provides a detailed view of the number of people living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States by state and county. AIDSVu is a project of Emory University that aims to…

Reaching Youth Online through HIV-Positive Youth Peer Educators

Hype Chat

The East Bay AIDS Center (EBAC) in Oakland, California serves approximately 1,500 East Bay residents living with HIV or AIDS. The Downtown Youth Clinic (DYC), part of EBAC, offers free and confidential services to HIV-positive youth between the ages of 13 and 24. We talked with Daniel to learn more about their HIV-positive youth HYPE…

What games are you playing?


Co-authored by Jeremy Vanderlan, Technical Deputy

Games present opportunities to use technology to address public health problems by building on the emergent experience of gaming and the peer influence that social games present. To further our understanding of the role games can and do play to improve health outcomes, we attended the 7th Annual Games for Health Conference. We joined hundreds of game developers, health professionals, and researchers from across the country and were encouraged by what we heard in the HIV/AIDS space, and beyond.

What’s a QR code?

QR Code

You may have seen them around. On billboards. In magazines. On your cereal box. You may have wondered what you are supposed to do when you see one of these jumbled images. What do they mean? And how might we use them in our response to HIV? “QR” (or “quick response”) codes store information in…

Growing and Adapting: A New Blog Structure

Picture of redesigned

Today, we are proud to announce a new structure for our blog – one that encompasses the changes and growth we’ve experienced since we launched the blog over three years ago. Some of the new features include: Featured blog posts: With the increased number of blog posts, it’s easy for some to get lost in…

Living With HIV Video: A Way to Educate Patients and Provide Support

Dr. Deborah Parham Hopson

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is the largest Federal program devoted to a single disease. Every year more than half a million people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States receive treatment. That is the foundation from which our Program is built. The involvement of the HIV/AIDS community continues to be central to our success…

Mobile Health 2011

Stethoscope on a mobile phone

Co-authored by Tanna Drapkin, Managing Editor, Mobile Health 2011 On May 4 and 5, over 400 people will gather at Stanford University to hear 45 experts share what really works in creating solutions to improve health behavior using mobile technology. Hosted by Stanford University and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mobile Health…

April is STD Awareness Month. Did you GYT?

Get yourself talking with your patients. GYT

April is STD Awareness Month.  Every year there are over 19 million new cases of STDs in the United States (CDC). Half of these new STD infections occur among young people ages 15 to 24 even though this age group makes up only 25% of the sexually active population. There are many negative outcomes of…

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