Category: International Trade Administration

Datesort icon Type Title
08/15/2012 Blog New Export Data Shows 34 States Reached Record Highs for Merchandise Exports in the First Half of 2012
08/15/2012 News New Export Data Shows 34 States Reached Record Highs for Merchandise Exports in the First Half of 2012
08/10/2012 Blog U.S. Businesses Going for the Gold
08/10/2012 Blog ITA: Exports Bring Jobs to the Twin Cities Region!
08/03/2012 Blog Acting Secretary Blank Speaks at White House Business Council Forum on Travel and Tourism
08/02/2012 News Statement from Acting U.S. Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank on Passage of Trade Bill to Strengthen U.S. Textile Industry
07/26/2012 News Acting U.S. Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank Announces U.S. Participation in APEC's Cross Border Privacy Rules System
07/18/2012 News Statement from Acting U.S. Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank on the Russia Trade Bill
07/13/2012 Blog International Visitors to the U.S. Spent Record $13.9 billion in May, Helping Support U.S. Jobs
07/13/2012 News Remarks at Travel and Tourism Advisory Board Meeting in Dearborn, Michigan
07/13/2012 News U.S. Commerce Department Releases Data Confirming Record-Setting Pace for International Visitor Spending in May 2012
07/11/2012 Blog 22 Ways the Department Of Commerce Is Supporting and Fostering American Innovation
06/28/2012 Blog Acting Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank Wrapped up Her Visit to Turkey with Concrete Steps to Advance the U.S-Turkish Commercial Relationship
06/28/2012 Blog Chicago Today, Russia Tomorrow
06/25/2012 Blog Minority Businesses Export to Support Jobs in Long Island
06/20/2012 Blog U.S. Outdoor Recreation Industry Found to Boost the Economy
06/20/2012 Blog Guest Blog Post: Commerce Comes to Your Town – Pittsburgh
06/15/2012 Blog Growth and Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa
06/13/2012 Blog Commerce's ITA Releases Data Showing International Visitor Spending Continues at Record-Setting Pace
06/08/2012 Blog Assistant Secretary Michael Camuñez Concludes U.S.-Mexico Border Trade Policy and Promotion Week Visit
06/07/2012 Blog Secretary Bryson Encouraged by President’s Export Council Recommendations to Help Strengthen U.S. Economy
05/25/2012 Blog Europe Travel Log: Secretary Bryson’s Meetings and Events in Berlin, Germany
05/21/2012 Blog International Buyer Program Announces 2013 Roster of Trade Shows
05/18/2012 Blog Deputy Secretary Blank Advocates Public Service in Commencement Speech
05/17/2012 Blog Secretary Bryson Awards Presidential Export Honors to U.S. Exporters, Including 35 Small- or Medium-Sized Enterprises
05/17/2012 News Presidential Honors Awarded To Record Number Of U.S. Exporters By Commerce Secretary Bryson
05/17/2012 News Remarks at the 50th Annual Presidential “E” Awards
05/17/2012 News Fact Sheet: Build It Here, Sell It Everywhere: Why Exports Matter
05/16/2012 Blog Deputy Secretary Blank Delivers Remarks on Manufacturing at the Aspen Institute
05/16/2012 News Remarks at the Aspen Institute