SLOCOG: Assuring an efficient and balanced transportation system for San Luis Obispo County. Click here to go to the home page.
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// Welcome Horizontal rule

The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) addresses issues of mutual concern among local agencies within the San Luis Obispo Region. The agency serves as a forum for transportation planning and area wide issues, preparing regional plans and programs.  SLOCOG serves as a regional transportation planning agency for federal and state programs, and addresses other area wide issues as mutually desired.  More...

Horizontal rule// What's New

  • The draft Overall Work Program for fiscal year 2013/14 is available for review here.
  • SLOCOG is seeking qualified consultants for planning and engineering services until March 22, 2013. Download the RFQ here.
  • Regional Housing Needs Plan was approved by the SLOCOG Board on February 6th. The plan is available here.
  • The 2012 Transit Needs Assessment is available here.
  • The Board Approved 2013 FTIP is available here.
  • Visit the Northern San Luis Obispo County Salinas River Trail Plan website at 

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 // Relevant Statewide Issues 

California State Rail Plan public meetings are coming up!


Click for Quick Links below

Sustainable Transporation Promotions and Programs

Click to download the current TIP
Click to view the latest agenda
Click to view the Overall Work Program
View the Coastal Trail Master Plan

SLO Coast Byway

Bus Rapid Transit Applications Study for San Luis Obispo County

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