Request by an Interested U.S. Federal Government Agency - Designated Officials for Signatures

All U.S. federal government agencies may request waivers of the two-year home-country physical presence requirement on behalf of exchange visitors who are subject to this requirement. Each federal government agency listed below has provided the Department of State, Waiver Review Division with the name of the individual authorized by the head of that agency to sign letters requesting waivers of the two-year home-country physical presence requirement. NOTE: Federal agencies not listed below have not provided this information to us.

Agencies making such requests are required to carefully consider each application. If the agency determines that it is in the public interest that you remain in the United States, it may submit the required documents for a Request by an Interested U.S. Federal Government Agency (Step 3 of the Instructions).

Appalachian Regional Commission
Earl Gohl
Federal Co-Chair
1666 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20235

POC: Deanne Reed-Fairfax
          Tel. (202) 884-7786

Delta Regional Authority
Christopher A. Masingill
Office of the Federal Co-Chairman
236 Sharkey Avenue, Ste. 400
Clarksdale, MS 38614

POC: Amanda Taylor

Tel. (662) 624-8600 ext. 26
Fax. (662) 624-8537

Department of Agriculture
Joseph J. Jen
Undersecretary for Research Education and Economics
Washington, DC 20250

POC: Linda Seckel or Debbie Davis

Tel. (301) 504-4525
Fax. (301) 504-4518

Department of Commerce
Scott B. Quehl, Chief Financial Officer & Assistant
Secretary for Administration
14th & Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20230

Tel. (202) 482-4951

Department of Defense
Nancy L. Spruill, Director
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
Room 3E1025
3020 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-3020

POC: Drew Setterberg

Tel. (703) 697-3459 
Fax. (703) 695-2086

Department of Education
Karen Wenk, Executive Director
Exchange Visitor Waiver Review Board
1990 K Street, NW, Rm. 8076
Washington, DC 20006-8540

Tel. (202) 502-7817

Department of Energy
Ingrid Kolb
Director, Office of Management
1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC  20585

POC: Debra Hunter
Program Manager
Passport and Visas Office/Exchange Visitor
Program Tel. No:  202-586-4526 (Bus)
202-586-0406 (Fax)

Department of Health and Human Services
Rebecca Powell
330 C Street, SW.
Switzer Building, Room 2008
Washington, DC 20201

POC: Rebecca Powell
Phone: (202) 260-0399

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Mel Martinez
Washington, DC 20410

Tel. (202) 708-1781

Department of Interior
William Bettenberg, Director
1849 C Street N.W., MS 4426
Washington, DC 20240

POC: Lawrence I. Sperling
Director. Office of International Affairs
Tel: (202) 208-3805

Department of Transportation
Kirk K. Van-Tine
General Counsel, International Affairs
4000 7 th Street, SW, Room 10428
Washington, DC 20590

POC: Don Horn

Tel. (202) 366-4702
Fax. (202) 366-3388

Department of Veterans Affairs
Elias Hernandez
Chief, Consultant for Human Resources
Veterans Health Administration
(10A2A) 810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420
(202) 461-7367

POC: Farine Cohen

Tel. (202) 461-7179
Fax. (202) 273-6639

Alternate signatory:
Denise Biaggi-Ayer
Director, Human Resources
Management Group
Tel. (202) 461-6107

Library of Congress
James Madison Memorial Building
Librarian of Congress
101 Independence Avenue, S.E., LM-608
Washington, DC 20540-1000

POC: James Billington

Tel. (202) 707-5205
Fax. (202) 707-1714

National Endowment for the Arts
Pennie Ojeda
Director of International Activities
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Room 528
Washington, DC 20506

POC: International Program Office

Tel. (202) 682-5562
Fax. (202) 682-5024

NASA Headquarters
John Hall (ARO)
Division Director
Aerospace Technology & Interagency Liaison
Office of External Relations
Washington, DC 20546-0001

Jim Higgins (RO)

POC: Helen Lambert

Tel. (202) 358-2069
Fax. (202) 358-4355

National Science Foundation
Dr. Machi F. Dilworth, Director
Office of International Science and Engineering
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Stafford II, Suite 1155
Arlington, VA 22230

POC: Robert Webber

Tel. (703) 292-7569

Smithsonian Institution
John E. Huerta, Esq.
General Counsel
1000 Jefferson Dr., S.W. Room H400
Washington, DC 20506

POC: Grace Jaegar

Tel. (202) 357-2538
Fax. (202) 357-4310

United States Agency for International Development
James F. Nindel
Director, Office of Education
United States Agency for International Development
Ronald Reagan Building (EGAT/ED)
1300 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20523-1000

POC: Linda Walker - ARO

Tel. (202) 712-1786
Fax. (202) 216-3229

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, S.W.
Washington, D.C., 20024-2126

POC: Ronald F. Cuffe
       Tel. (202) 488-0400
       Fax. (202) 314-0364

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