Hoyer Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai

For Immediate Release:

November 27, 2008

Contact:Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement:
"My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Mumbai, our friends throughout all of India, and their concerned loved ones in the United States.
"The United States and India share deep bonds, rooted in our mutual commitment to freedom and democracy, which are the most resilient forces on earth.
"Americans stand with India’s people in the face of these cowardly acts and we hope the terrorist perpetrators are swiftly brought to justice. Indeed, it is in the face of such challenges that we win by demonstrating our firm commitment to our democratic principles and values, including the rule of law.
"On this day of thanksgiving, we are grateful for our friendship with India, and we extend our sympathies to the people of Mumbai."
