Hoyer Applauds President-Elect Obama’s Nominations for OMB

For Immediate Release:

November 25, 2008

Contact:Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) today released the following statement after President-elect Obama held a press conference unveiling his selections for Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget:


“Today’s economic announcement from President-elect Obama indicated that he is serious about ending the fiscal recklessness that has characterized the Bush Administration. The President-elect has shown his commitment to passing economic recovery legislation to create and protect jobs; but he has also made clear that returning our Nation to fiscal health must be the long-term goal.
“Peter Orszag and Rob Nabors, the President-elect’s choices for Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, both have a deep understanding of the federal budget and a commitment to fiscal responsibility. Peter, who currently serves as the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, has been among the leading voices warning of the consequences of fiscal recklessness—and his warnings have been borne out. He is also well-versed in healthcare economics and entitlement reform.
“Rob, the Staff Director of the House Appropriations Committee, has brought a line-by-line understanding to our efforts to craft the federal budget; he is uniquely qualified to help fulfill President-elect Obama’s promise of eliminating budgetary waste. Rob brings to his new position an understanding of Congress, especially the House. I first had the opportunity to work with Rob when I was Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government, and I have continued to work with him during his service as Appropriations Staff Director. Throughout that time, I have gained great respect for his expertise.
“I know firsthand what a valuable contribution Peter and Rob will make to the White House as the new Administration works to bring our Nation back to fiscal soundness.”
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