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Stakeholder Involvement

A representative from the Water Development Corporation speaks with to CH2M HILL workers and prospective drillers about the importance of vehicle and equipment inspections. We believe in inviting input from those that are impacted by our decisions and encourage involvement in opportunities that can share and expand our views on how to get this work done safely and efficiently. CH2M HILL believes that the best decisions are made with input from those who are directly impacted by the resulting actions. We are integrating stakeholder involvement in environmental cleanup project planning. We promote open discussion of project issues, encourage input on project decisions, and support DOE in planning and implementing public involvement activities. CH2M HILL representatives regularly attend public meetings to keep abreast of stakeholders’ views and concerns.

CH2M HILL representatives attend a meeting with the Hanford Advisory Board. Our participation in public involvement activities keeps us integrated in decision making process and allows us to invite input from our stakeholders, regulators and the public. CH2M HILL encourages and supports employees’ participation in the stakeholder involvement process, including membership on the Hanford Advisory Board.

For more information contact Sonya Johnson, CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company, at 509.373.5611.


For a list of upcoming Hanford public involvement opportunities, visit the Hanford Event Calendar.