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Congressman Brad Schneider

Representing the 10th District of Illinois

About Brad

Congressman Brad Schneider - IL10Congressman Brad Schneider represents Illinois’s 10th Congressional District, where for more than 20 years he has had a successful career in business and management consulting, advising companies large and small. 
Through his work, Brad has helped many family-owned businesses address the challenges of today’s economy and plan for the future. This experience has allowed him to see first-hand the challenges small businesses face when trying to hire new workers and grow their company. As a small business owner himself, Brad understands the impact thriving small businesses can have on a community’s overall economy.
In Congress, he is focused on strengthening the middle class, helping small businesses grow, protecting the environment and getting Washington focused on securing opportunities for the next generation. 
And as a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Brad is committed to ensuring the United States’ leadership in global affairs, as well as continuing his advocacy for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and other pertinent foreign policy issues.
At home, Brad has deep ties to the community, including service with organizations such as the Jewish United Fund, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Business and Professional People for the Public Interest. Among his most enjoyable commitments, he coached his sons’ soccer and baseball teams for 12 years. 
Brad earned a BS in industrial engineering and his MBA from Northwestern University. He currently lives in Deerfield with his wife, Julie, and their two sons, Adam and Daniel.