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Procurement and Acquisition

Doing Business With the U.S. Department of Energy

Welcome to the Department of Energy’s Acquisition homepage.  The Office of Procurement and Acquisition Management (OPAM) is responsible for all contracting, financial assistance and related activities to fulfill the Department's multitude of missions through its business relationships.    As the business organization of the Department, OPAM develops and supports the policies, procedures and procurement operational elements.   We hope that you find the information you’re looking for but, if not, please call 202/287-1310 and we’ll be glad to assist you.  The links below provide additional detail on our policies, procedures and operations.  The Office of Procurement and Assistance Management is organized as follows:

Chart of organization with names

Procurement authority within the Department flows from the Secretary to the Senior Procurement Executives.  DOE is unique in that it has two SPE’s, one for the Department excluding the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and one for NNSA.  NNSA, although possessing authority to deviate from DOE policies and procedures, generally follows all DOE policy.  The link below will take you to their website for further information.  Procurement and financial assistance policy is generally contained in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the DOE FAR Supplement (DEAR), DOE Acquisition Letters and DOE Orders and Directives.  Links to these policies are contained in the following pages. 

The Department expends approximately 90% of its budget through a variety of contracts and financial assistance agreements making it one of the largest civilian departments in the federal government.  Through these expenditures we impact a variety of industries and individuals across the nation.  Our operations are nation-wide as the map link [insert link to map] shows.  The majority of our contract dollars are expended through a relatively small number of large Management and Operating (M&O) contracts (including Federally Funded Research and Development Centers) as well as large site and facility environmental cleanup contracts as reflected in the chart link below.

Management & Operations Contracts (M&O) chart

Contract And Project  Management Improvement Initiatives:

The Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to making continuous improvements in contract and project management performance. Improving DOE contract and project management is a top priority of the Department’s senior management and entire organization.  In December 2010, the Deputy Secretary convened a summit to discuss strategies for improving contract and project management.  As a result of the summit discussions, the Department initiated a Contract and Project Management Improvement (CPMI)Executive Steering Committee.  Six issues identified were investigated and implementation plans coordinated by six teams.   The teams completed a majority of the corrective actions to address the issues identified during the CPMI summit.  The Contract and Project Management Improvement Closure Report listed below provides the issues and status of completion.

CPMI Closure Report

Some of our overall statistics are shown below.

The links below will guide you through the remainder of our website.  The information is subdivided into Procurement and Acquisition information and Financial Assistance information.  We thank you for your interest and look forward to doing business with you.