Fermilab Business Services Section

Business Services Section


The Procurement Department is responsible for acquiring goods and services for the entire Laboratory. It provides helpful, professional support for all procurement requirements from the development of initial plans and requirements to subcontract closeout. These activities are carried out with a 'best value' procurement philosophy. The department is organized into three main service groups: Computing/Services, Construction/ Fabrication and Services and Electronics, Maintenance, Repair & Operational Supplies. Procurement also administers the Laboratory's Procard program.


Fermilab Business Services Section

Procurement Department

P.O. Box 500, MS 210, Batavia, Il. 60510
630-840-3521 Fax 630-840-2457, 5719, 2907
Wilson Hall 4W



Manager, Joe Collins x4169

Staff Assistant, Joanne Hall x4168
Support Staff: Joyce Serritella x4155, Julie Wiley x8048


Computing & Services: Bill Koncelik x4173

Byron Clark x4194, Gary Davis x4171, Pamela Noyes x5779, Brian Niccolai x4177, Nancy Yackle x2555


Construction/Consulting, Fabrication & Services: Bob Cibic, NOvA Liaison x3528

Gordon Bagby x3388, Ron Evans x4166, Tom Powers x4255, Steve Gaugel x5782, Sandra Efstathiou x5784, Steve Cozzens x4183


Electronics: Maintenance, Repair & Operational Supplies: Joe Morgan x4181

Bob Johnson x4179, Mark Graczyk x4895


ProCard Administrator: Pamela Noyes x5779
Back-up: Nancy Yackle x2555





Documents and Forms