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Publication State Court Organization 1998

Melissa T. Cantrell, Carol R. Flango, Randall Hansen, Neil LaFountain, David B. Rottman

June 1, 2000    NCJ 178932

Presents detailed comparative data about State trial and appellate courts in the United States. Topics covered include: the number of courts and judges; judicial selection; governance of court systems, including judicial funding, administration, staffing and procedures; jury qualifications and verdict rules; and processing and sentencing procedures of criminal cases. Court structure diagrams summarize the key features of each State's court organization. This volume is the 4th release in a series from this data collection.

Part of the State Court Organization Series

Full Report (PDF 1.5M)
Full Report (ASCII file 98K)
Courts and Judges (PDF 78K)
Courts and Judges - ZIP Format (Spreadsheet 3M)
Judicial Selection and Service (PDF 272K)
Judicial Selection and Service - ZIP Format (Spreadsheet 17M)
The Judicial Branch: Governance, Funding, and Administration (PDF 422K)
The Judicial Branch: Governance, Funding, and Administration - ZIP Format (Spreadsheet 30M)
Appellate Courts: Jurisdiction, Staffing, and Procedures (PDF 147K)
Appellate Courts: Jurisdiction, Staffing, and Procedures - ZIP Format (Spreadsheet 27M)
Trial Courts: Administration, Procedures, Specialized Jurisdiction (PDF 309K)
Trial Courts: Administration, Procedures, Specialized Jurisdiction - ZIP Format (Spreadsheet 13M)
The Jury (PDF 138K)
The Jury - ZIP Format (Spreadsheet 3M)
The Sentencing Context (PDF 156K)
The Sentencing Context - ZIP Format (Spreadsheet 61K)
Court Structure Charts (PDF 214K)
Codebooks and Datasets
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Census of State Court Organization

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