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Photos tagged with: Waste Box

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groundwater remediation  mxied low-level waste  lifting  clearwell  vaults  183.3  plutonium finishing plant  soil and groundwater remediation  bcca  sludge treatment  epc  baghouses  3a burial ground  646 building  central alarm station  apatite barrier  demolition preparations  fftf  box 80  video  shielding  100k area  radiological survey  maintenance and storage facility  size reduction  pencil tanks  resources  200n arra  212-p  drum  ion exchange filter  211-u  wfmp  preservation  installation  fuel storage basin  april 2010  administrative area  183.7  reactor core  loading cells  revegetation  4b  200 north area  d-10  environmental restoration disposal facility  sustainability  backfilling  upper ale  183