Trends on Tuesday: 20 Million Scanned QR Codes

According to Internet marketing research company comScore, 20.1 million mobile phone owners in the U.S. used their device to scan a QR code in October.

Among these mobile users who used their phone to scan a QR code, 59.4% did so from home, while 44% did so from a retail store and 26.6% did so from a grocery store. 21.4% scanned a QR code while at work, while 11.2% did so outside or on public transportation with nearly 10% scanning a QR code while in a restaurant.

More from comScore.

QR codes are two-dimensional codes that are scanned with a smartphone, connecting individuals to additional online content or information.  More on QR codes in the Mobile Gov Wiki.

Agencies, like TSA, are starting to use these symbols, whichlook like a squiggly-maze, on signs and other real-life media to direct people to additional information. Looks like people are learning how to use them.

Is your agency using QR codes? Tell us how in the comments.

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  1. Dec 26th, 2011 at 15:17 | #1

    BestBuy. They use QR codes to link to addt’l info on products like computers. I was able to bookmark and review at home.
    [url=]Android apps[/url]

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  2. Dec 21st, 2011 at 20:12 | #2

    Honestly, this is the 1st time I heard this code QR. Thank you for sharing us here all about this. I can now share it to my friends all of these. Thanks for the information. Keep it up!!!

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  3. Dec 20th, 2011 at 12:21 | #3

    We have used QR Codes on our business cards and printed marketing material to link to a mobile landing page that encourages sign up. It has been an effective tool to gather opt-in so we can get permission to market to prospects in the future. There has been alot of negative press concerning QR Codes as many companies have used them to lead to badly optimised sites but when used correctly they can be a great marketing tool. If the experience is a good one and they deliver value then there is no reason not to use them as part of your marketing mix.

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