Feb 11, 2013 Issues: Veterans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week Congressman Walter Jones (NC-3) cosponsored H.R. 595, the Veterans Education Equity Act of 2013.  The legislation aims to equalize veterans’ tuition and fee benefits under the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill by resolving an inequity in the existing law.  The current law allots more education funds to veterans enrolled in private colleges than those in public institutions.

“We made a promise to the brave service members of this country and it is our job to keep that promise,” said Jones.  “Our veterans deserve to have the best education possible without incurring excessive out-of-pocket costs.  This legislation helps level the playing field for all veterans regardless of institution.

The current Post 9/11 Veterans’ Educational Improvement Assistance Act places a cap on educational benefits and tuition for veterans enrolled in private colleges at $18,077.50, but limits the benefits for veterans who attend public institutions to the amount charged for in-state tuition fees.  If a veteran attends an out-of-state public school, The Veterans Education Equity Act of 2013 would allow the same funds to be available as those who attend a private institution.  This legislation will assist the more than 20,000 veterans who are currently paying out-of-pocket for their tuition, including many in North Carolina.