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State Community Development Block Grant: COLONIAS

English - Español

The term "Colonia" has been borrowed from the Spanish term for a residential neighborhood. In the United States, a "colonia" has a specific meaning, referring to a community within the mainly rural US-Mexico border region with marginal conditions related to housing and infrastructure. In many cases, these scattered and sparsely populated rural communities were formed when unscrupulous land owners inappropriately subdivided rural lands, offered plots via contract for deed, and made empty promises that utilities would soon be installed. Unfortunately, many people invested their limited resources and never saw those promises fulfilled. Follow this link for more information about colonias history and other non-governmental organizations working in colonias.

In order to better serve the colonia residents, the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (as amended) included Section 916 which called for the border states of Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas to set aside a percentage of their annual State CDBG allocations for use in the colonias. The use of these set aside funds is to help meet the needs of the colonias residents in relationship to the need for potable water, adequate sewer systems, or decent, safe and sanitary housing. Therefore, the set-aside funds may be utilized for any CDBG eligible activity that is, or is in conjunction with, a potable water, sewer or housing activity.

Furthermore, Section 916 specifically defined Colonias as:

(a) in the state of Arizona, California, New Mexico, or Texas;
(b) in the United States-Mexico border region;
(c) determined to be a colonia on the basis of objective criteria, including lack of potable water supply, lack of adequate sewage systems, and lack of decent, safe and sanitary housing; and
(d) in existence as a colonia before the date of the enactment of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act [November 28th of 1990].

Information per State

For more information about obtaining funding for specific colonias projects please contact the agency in your state that administers the CDBG colonias set-aside funds:

Other Funding Opportunities

Additional funding sources that can be used individually or in combination with State CDBG colonias set-aside funds:

More Resources for Residents

HUD's Colonias Resources
Initiatives and Collaborative Efforts