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Strategy and Plans Division (PL)

Headquarters Marine Corps

Plans, Policies & Operations (PP&O)
Strategy and Plans Division (PL)
Mission Statement

The Director assists DC, PP&O to coordinate and supervise staff activities on joint policy, plans, and memoranda; current and future strategy; international affairs and policy issues; security cooperation and military assistance activities; information operations, operational security, cyberspace and space integration matters; and policy for joint commands established by the President. The Director performs the duties of Marine Corps Deputy Operations Deputy (DepOpsDep) in the absence of the ADC, PP&O.

Contact     Commercial      E-Mail Address    
Director     (703) 614-4221        
Administrative Officer     (703) 692-4373        
Deputy Director     (703) 614-4221          

Mailing Address 
by System Account
 11/18/2010 12:25 PM
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Plans, Policies and Operations
Strategy and Plans Division (PL)
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon (Rm 4B337)
Washington DC 20350-3000
Link to Share Point Portal 
by System Account
 11/18/2010 11:09 AM
Welcome Aboard brief Attachment
by System Account
 1/20/2010 3:33 PM
Director, Strategy and Plans Division

Brigadier General Michael A. Rocco
Assistant Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations
