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The NCNR now uses the web-based Information Management System (IMS) to track interactions with its facility users.

The following steps must be followed before a first time user can obtain unescorted access to the NIST site and unescorted access to the experimental areas of the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR). These procedures are designed to meet NCNR security and safety requirements.

If you have any questions please contact the NCNR User Office (B104) at 301-975-8200 or email

Steps prior to coming:

Users who are not US citizens or US permanent residents must complete the NCNR Visitor Registration form at least 35 calendar days prior to arrival unless they are already on the NCNR Access List
  1. Create a new IMS account.
  2. Activate your IMS account.
  3. Complete the NIST Visitor Registration located on your IMS Account under the User Activities tab.
  4. Request Health Physics training, located under the User Activities tab in your IMS Account.
  5. Prepare a Trustworthy Letter. (Must be written and signed on official letterhead from sponsor's home institution - you cannot obtain a badge from the NCNR without this letter.)

Bring with you:

  1. U.S. Citizens: a photo identification
  2. Non U.S. Citizens: Your passport and visa - Proof of Stay in the United States (for example: DS2019, I94, I20, green card, permanent resident card, work employment card, etc.). Note: a tourist visa is not acceptable. Please contact us if you have any questions at 301-975-8200 or email
  3. A signed copy of your Trustworthy Letter.

Steps after arriving:

  1. Complete the Radiation Safety Training and have the form signed.
  2. Review instrument and laboratory safety requirements with your NIST Sponsor. (Safety Checklist)
  3. Bring numbers 1 and 2 above along with your Trustworthy Letter to the User Office (B104.)
  4. Complete a Facility User Agreement.
    Important: If you are not a U.S. citizen please bring proof of stay in the United States and passport. A tourist visa (e.g. B2 or WT) is not acceptable. In some cases additional forms will need to be completed after you arrive.
  5. When steps 1-4 are completed you will receive your badge from the User Office (B104.)
Last modified 20-November-2009 by website owner: NCNR (attn: Przemek Klosowski)