Monday, February 18, 2013
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Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR)


The Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers, commonly referred to by its French acronym CIOR, represents the interests of over 1.3 million reservists across 36 participating nations within and beyond NATO, making it the world’s largest military reserve officer organization. Founded in 1948, one year before NATO, by the reserve officer associations of Belgium, France and the Netherlands, CIOR is now a NATO-affiliated, non-political and non-profit umbrella organization of member nations’ national reserve officer associations. More...

CIOMR is CIOR’s sister organization for medical reserve officers, founded in 1947, one year before CIOR. More...

In the beginning, Reserve matters were strictly considered a national responsibility that the single nations in principle did not discuss with each other. In the early eighties this attitude changed. One of the consequences was establishment of the National Reserve Forces Committee, NRFC in 1981. The committee was founded as an independent, informal group of senior national officers responsible for Reserve matters – whether based on conscription or not – to support CIOR’s work. More...

cior ciomr nrfc
CIOR Website CIOMR Website NRFC Website
(hosted by NATO HQ)
