NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Science for Peace and Security

NATO-Russia scientific cooperation

A special programme of support for cooperation between scientists and experts from Russia and NATO countries has also been established within the Science for Peace and Security Programme. The NATO-Russia Council (NRC) SPS Committee (see section "Framework of the Programme") has drawn up an Action Plan for 2010-2012 which provides for collaboration in the following security-related priority areas:

  1. Defence against terrorist threats, as follows:

    1. Explosives Detection: Cooperative scientific research leading to improved methods for rapidly detecting both trace and bulk explosives. Particular attention will be given to Stand-Off Detection of Explosives (STANDEX) Programme taking into account the latest achievements of modern science.
    2. Information Technology-based Threats: Cooperative research to strengthen the security of global, interlinked systems that are often vulnerable to terrorist attack. Cooperative scientific research is foreseen to improve the understanding of terrorists’ methods in using information technology.
    3. Study of Human Factors in Defence Against Terrorism: (Motivations of Terrorism) cooperative research to deepen the understanding of motivations of terrorists’ activity, including a social science dimension. In this context, the experience of the Virtual Forum provides a useful basis for attracting more discussion and research.
  2. Countering other threats to security, as follows:

    1. Defence-related environmental security: cooperative research leading to the development of measures for the prevention of ecological disasters and the mitigation of its consequences as well as cooperative efforts to deal with the environmental consequences of past, present and future military activities. The focus should be on safeguarding atmospheric and water quality.
    2. Eco-terrorism: cooperative research leading to the development of measures for the prevention of ecological terrorism. Take all necessary steps, to this effect, to make the Prototype of International Situational Centre within the framework of ECOTER project fully operational.
    3. Disaster forecast and prevention of catastrophes: cooperative research to improve the understanding of the causes of both natural and manmade disasters as well as factors associated with resilience to such disasters. The emphasis should be placed on such topics as prediction of earthquakes, use of information technologies for effective dealing with emergencies provoked by disasters, technological and intellectual terrorism in integrated technological systems, protection of civil population from chemical, biological and radiological materials in case of man-made catastrophes, including terrorists’ action, protecting society from multi-hazard implications, use of telemedicine.
  3. Countering other threats to security – only nationally-funded projects, as follows:

    1. Modelling sustainable consumption (e.g. food, energy, materials, fiscal measures and environmental costing).
    2. Food security in times of natural disaster or other non-CBRN events.
    3. Security-related regional studies involving three or more neighbouring partners.
    4. Biotechnology/bioscience (infectious diseases, life sciences, medical science, agricultural science) not related to CBRN events.

Grant Applications for activities in the above topics, involving Russian scientists and scientists from NATO countries, may be submitted to NATO for support. The support mechanisms are Science for Peace projects (SfPs), Advanced Training Courses (ATCs), Advanced Study Institutes (ASIs) and Advanced Research Workshops (ARWs). The ATCs, ASIs and ARWs normally take place in Russia. The application forms are available here.

Russian scientists may also participate in the core collaboration programme described under "Activities funded by NATO", in the framework of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.

The NATO-Russia cooperation also promotes, encourages and co-ordinates joint co-operative nationally funded projects, involving experts from NATO countries and Russia.