INSTALLATION STATUS: Open Extension of Weather Warning 02-013 (Valid 17 FEB 13, 4:30PM – 18 FEB 13, Until Further Notice): Strong winds greater than or equal to 40 MPH, but less than 52 MPH are forecast to occur on the Fort Hood Reservation.

Extension of Weather Warning 02-013 (Valid 17 FEB 13, 4:30PM – 18 FEB 13, Until Further Notice): Strong winds greater than or equal to 40 MPH, but less than 52 MPH are forecast to occur on the Fort Hood Reservation.


If you are new to the military or unfamiliar with what a family readiness group is, please see our “Frequently Asked Questions” below.

Below is a list of Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSA), including their unit, e-mail address, and office phone number. The FRSA can help you connect to your Soldier’s Family Readiness Group (FRG). If you do not know to which unit your Soldier belongs, feel free to contact the Family Readiness Program Managers or Coordinators listed as well. Provide as much information concerning your Soldier as you know, to include name, rank, and the last four digits of his/her Social Security account number in your correspondence.

Frequently Asked Questions for Family Members new to the Army and Fort Hood…

Q: How do I get information about my Soldier during his or her deployment?
A: Check with the unit Family Readiness Support Assistant - many will have a newsletter, informational e-mail distribution lists and a unit website. They will also assist you by connecting you to the FRG for your Soldier's unit.
Q: I don't know what a Family Readiness Support Assistant is nor do I know who my Family Readiness Group (FRG) point of contact is.
A: A Family Readiness Support Assistant is a federal employee who assists the command in the execution of the unit's FRG Program. The FRG is the group of family members who exchange information and create a mutual support network to the Families within a unit, especially during a deployment. The FRSA can assist you in finding out who is your FRG POC.
Q: I have a problem and would like some assistance solving it.  Where can I turn?
A: Start with your FRSA. They have access to and knowledge of the many resources available on Fort Hood. They can refer you to the appropriate agency to address your problem. You may also visit the Fort Hood Morale, Welfare and Recreation website as well as the Fort Hood Website for local assistance.
Q: As a new military spouse, how can I find information about life as a military family?
A: Military One Source is a website packed with information designed to help military families. Army Family Team Building (AFTB) training is a great first step. You can take the AFTB modules on the Military One Source site at, or you can take the classes in person at Fort Hood by calling 254-287-2327.
Q: Is there a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week source of information and assistance for military families?
A: Yes, Military One Source can be reached by phone at: 1-800-342-9647 or on their website at: Also, you can speak with a chaplain at any time by calling: 254-287-CHAP [2427]. Fort Hood and its units also have Military Family Life Consultants available to meet with you at your convenience. Call 254-553-4705 for an appointment or go to the Webpage for additional information at:
Q: How do I find out about resources and events at Fort Hood?
A: There are several possibilities: There is a weekly newspaper that is available at locations around Fort Hood called the Fort Hood Sentinel. There is a monthly Morale, Welfare and Recreation Publication called Hood Happenings that is available across post. There is a monthly Community Services Council meeting that is open to the public.
Fort Hood hosts a newcomers fair called Hood Howdy twice a year. Check with your FRSA to get more information about locations, dates and times. All these information resources are free to military families. You can request to receive information by e-mailing: Family Readiness Program Manager or by calling: 254-286-6833.