Congress Profiles

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22nd Congress (1831–1833)

Congressional Profile

Total Membership:

  • 213 Representatives
  • 3 Delegates

Party Divisions:*

  • 66 Anti-Jacksons
  • 126 Jacksons
  • 17 Anti-Masonics
  • 4 Nullifiers

*Party division totals are based on election day results.

Congress Overview

Tariff politics dominated the 22nd Congress (1831–1833). Increasing Southern complaints over the 1828 “Tariff of Abominations” prompted passage of a revision in 1832. Still disgruntled, South Carolinians championed nullification, a doctrine that would allow each state to judge the constitutionality of federal laws. In response, Congress passed a Compromise Tariff in 1833 and authorized the military to uphold it. A Whig effort to renew the Second Bank of the United States before its charter expired provoked a veto from President Andrew Jackson—the first veto in American history based on policy rather than on legal grounds.

Member Information

  • Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, (1774–2005), Official Annotated Membership Roster by State with Vacancy and Special Election Information for the 22nd Congress. [PDF]

Learn more about the People of the People's House

Leadership & Officers

Speaker of the House:
Andrew Stevenson (D–Virginia)
Clerk of the House:
Matthew St. Clair Clarke
Sergeant at Arms:
John O. Dunn
Chaplain of the House:
Ralph Randolph Gurley – Presbyterian
Reuben Post – Presbyterian
William Hammett – Methodist
Overton Carr

To view complete lists of individuals who have served in these leadership and official positions since the 1st Congress, visit the People section