Rangel Lauds CHC'S Guiding Principles For Immigration Reform

Nov 28, 2012 Issues: Immigration

Washington, DC- Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement today after the Congressional Hispanic Caucus released its outline for immigration reform:

"I congratulate the Congressional Hispanic Caucus for issuing an outline that will help guide our nation through a much-needed comprehensive immigration reform. The document, aptly titled "ONE NATION: Principles on Immigration Reform and Our Commitment to the American Dream" is an embodiment of the Democratic commitment to ensuring equal opportunity for everyone in America, including immigrants who make up the fabric of this great country.  

Our immigration policy should reflect our nation's core values. We need to work together to achieve policy that establishes orderly and controlled borders, unites families, provides a fair pathway to citizenship, improves our workforce, and respects the law.  America was built by generations of hard-working men and women who immigrated from all over the world in search of freedom, prosperity, and a better life. The immigration system can only be fixed if we work together. 

My Democratic Colleagues and I took the first steps towards reform by passing the DREAM Act in 2010, which was unfortunately blocked by Senate Republicans. President Barack Obama's executive order granting DREAM Act-eligible youths temporary protection from deportation is a step towards the right direction, but is not enough. We must pass the DREAM Act. This would not only provide a pathway to citizenship to millions of undocumented children in our country, but also strengthen America's economy, security, and competitiveness.

I thank my dear friends, CHC Chairman Charlie Gonzalez, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, the Chair of the CHC’s Immigration Task Force, and the Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, as well as Senator Robert Menendez for leading us in this very important issue. I look forward to working with them again to move our country forward on immigration policy."

Read the full text of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus's Principles on Immigration Reform and Our Commitment to the American Dream here."