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A Responsible Press Office in the Digital Age

17 April 2012
Jay Carney at podium, raised hands in audience (AP Images / Carolyn Kaster)

President Obama’s press secretary, Jay Carney, answers questions during a daily news briefing. Transparent and effective government communication is essential in a democracy.

This updated edition of the 2001 IIP handbook A Responsible Press Office: An Insider’s Guide explores the relationship between government officials and the modern news media. A Responsible Press Office in the Digital Age provides guidance to government communicators about how to use social and digital media to provide the public with accurate and timely information concerning public policies, laws, programs and actions.

About the Author
Marguerite Hoxie Sullivan


Chapter 1
Why a Press Office and Have the Rules Changed?

Chapter 2
The Press Office in the Information Age
            • To the Point: Stages in Developing Press Offices

Chapter 3
The Press Office at Work
            • To the Point: A Day in the Life of the White House Press Secretary

Chapter 4
The Proactive Strategic Communications Plan

Chapter 5
Carrying Out the Media Campaign
            • To the Point: Example of a Media Campaign

Chapter 6
Tools of the Press Office
            • To the Point: Visuals
            • To the Point: Radio

Chapter 7
Written Materials
            • To the Point: What Makes News?

Chapter 8
Web Pages and Social Media
            • To the Point: Social Media vs. e-Government

Chapter 9
Press Conferences
            • To the Point: Pool Reporting
            • To the Point: Working with Journalists

Chapter 10
Interviews in Focus
            • To the Point: Speaking On and Off the Record

Chapter 11
Crisis Communications
            • To the Point: Dealing with False and Negative News

Chapter 12
Event Planning
            • To the Point: The Briefing Book

Chapter 13
Ethics: Codes of Conduct
            • To the Point: Do’s and Don’ts of Dealing with the Media
            • To the Point: Forming Groups with Common Interests

(This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/iipdigital-en/index.html)