ES&H Tips of
the Week Archive

Every Monday, a new Safety Tip of the Week appears in Fermilab Today, Fermilab's daily email publication for employees, users and subscribers. Safety Tips of the Week remind employees and users of ways to prevent injuries and illnesses. We hope that these safety tips will encourage you to work safely all week.

ES&H Tips of the Week Archive

 Jan. 10, 2011
 Follow standard practices to get consistent results

By finding what actions work best to get a task done and then making those actions the norm; we create a set of standard practices that allow us to get expected results for many of our daily activities at home and at work.

An example of standard practices is traffic rules for the use of the road. By using these practices, we get the desired result of safely arriving at our destination. When these practices are not followed, the results may be a ticket or worse.

At Fermilab, standard practices are used to achieve the same result efficiently and consistently. This ensures safe and high-quality work. The Integrated Quality Assurance manual encourages written procedures to ensure quality “for activities of sufficient complexity or potential hazard.”

 Jan. 3, 2011
 Watch out for slick and uneven surfaces

Even though Fermilab has a very good program for dealing with snow and ice, it is impossible to immediately clear all walking and driving surfaces. According to quarterly injury and illness reports, snow and ice accumulation on Fermilab grounds means that one or two people show up in the Medical Department with injuries resulting from slips and falls. In most cases, they are minor bumps and bruises, but they can be more serious like fractures and dislocations.

Mike Becker, manager of Fermilab's Roads & Grounds, explains that his group's first priority is to clear roads and parking lots. That leaves building managers initially responsible for attacking the stairs and walkways around their buildings using salt, shovels and (in some cases) snow blowers. After treating roads and parking lots, Roads & Grounds helps with clearing around buildings and responding to special requests.

Safety Tip of the Week - Current Archive
2012 Safety Tip of the Week Archive
2011 Safety Tip of the Week Archive
2010 Safety Tip of the Week Archive
2009 Safety Tip of the Week Archive
2008 Safety Tip of the Week Archive
2007 Safety Tip of the Week Archive
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