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Ecology/Nature - Wildlife - Butterflies and Moths of Fermilab

Current Status of Access to Fermilab

A total of 54 species of butterflies have been observed on the Fermilab campus. We have also begun to list the moths found at Fermilab, with more than 50 species photographed. The variety of habitats--marsh, prairie, old field, and woods, with some of the wetlands and woods being old remnants--make Fermilab an outstanding place for viewing a good variety of northern Illinois butterflies and moths. Among the less common butterflies found at Fermilab are Purplish Coppers (right, top) and Coral Hairstreaks. Wetland remnants are host to local, wetland dependent butterflies such as Black Dash Skippers (right, bottom) and Eyed Browns. The prairie and wetland wildflowers also attract many other beautiful and well-known butterflies such as the Monarch and Painted Lady (right, center). Here you will find comments about the butterflies and moths seen at Fermilab, complete species lists, and photographs of most of the species.

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last modified 2/20/2006   email Fermilab