Special Event/Tour Detail: Ask-a-Scientist Guided Tour of Fermilab

Audience: Public, Teachers, Students, Grades 6 - Adult
Description:Take science questions straight to experts. Physicists answer questions and explain everything from the Big Bang to how a particle accelerator works. Ask a Scientist is held from 1 PM to 4 PM on the first Sunday of the month (except holiday weekends when we delay by one week and in the month of the Family Open House).

Each three-hour session includes a presentation by a scientist, a tour, and a Q & A period. The docent-led tour includes visiting the 1st and 15th floor of Wilson Hall, the Linac building with the first two accelerators, the neutron therapy area and the Main Control Room.

There is no charge for the tour, but advance registration is required. Suggested audience: adults and students with a keen interest in science! The presentation and tone is set for high school seniors – college freshman. Students 10 to 14 years old can attend, but must be accompanied by an adult.

General directions to Fermilab

Space is limited. To sign up, either register online from this page, send e-mail to the registrar (edreg@fnal.gov), or call 630 840-8258. Registration deadline is the Friday before the event, at noon. Please click the pencil icon to register.

Fee:No fee

Session 1: March 3, 2013, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM: "Discovery of the Higgs-like Boson: A Good Bang For Your Buck?" Shabnam Jabeen, Register Online
Location:1st floor, One West, Wilson Hall

Session 2: April 7, 2013, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM: "Neutrinos: Little Particles that Could!" Luke Corwin, Register Online
Location:1st floor, One West, Wilson Hall

Session 3: May 5, 2013, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM: "Energy: No Such Thing as a Free Lunch" Eric Prebys, Register Online
Location:1st floor, One West, Wilson Hall

Session 4: June 2, 2013, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM: "Dark Energy Survey" Brenna Flaugher, Register Online
Location:1st floor, One West, Wilson Hall