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Welcome to the South Carolina Victim Assistance Academy (SCVAA) web site.  The SCVAA has been designed to train, educate and equip crime victim service provider professionals with the most recent and current applicable information that will aid and assist crime victims statewide.  The victims of South Carolina deserve no less than excellent services provided by victim advocates and victim service providers, who are well trained and knowledgeable about the many services our state offers to crime victims.

The SCVAA is an intense educational training program for victim advocates and victim service providers. During the event, participants are exposed to current, cutting-edge practical knowledge and skill development regarding victimology, victim assistance, and other victim related issues. With blends of both national and state specific training materials, topics such as victimology, trauma-related mental health problems, cultural issues, ethics in victim services, laws and policies and adult learning principals will address the needs of victim advocates and victim service providers of all fields including those in special settings and special populations.

The Academy objectives include:

  • offering a comprehensive, enhanced curriculum; thereby increasing the quality of victim services.
  • meeting foundation level training needs of a wide range of victim service providers.
  • enhancing the social services, criminal justice, medical and mental health networks necessary to ease the trauma of crime.