December 17, 2012

Housing our most vulnerable homeless population

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Homelessness affects thousands of people across our Nation.  Many may think that homelessness is impossible to solve.  Not true.  As long as we come together as a country and combine federal resources with those at the local level, ending homelessness IS within our reach. The 100K Homes Campaign is a grassroots movement bringing communities together [...]

December 10, 2012

HUD’s 2012 Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness

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On a single night in January 2012, cities across the country walked through their communities to do a one-night count of their homeless population who live in shelters and on the streets.  This annual point-in-time count aims to measure homelessness over the course of one night every January. Today, HUD reports the results of the [...]

May 7, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

The New Orleans Times-Picayune ran, “new road home initiatives announced by HUD Secretary.” Tomorrow, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan will testify before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee at a hearing on expanding refinancing opportunities to improve the housing market. HUD Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs Programs Mark Johnston places as a Samuel [...]


Caring for our Nation’s Veterans

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According to the Department of Labor, the unemployment rate of young male veterans returning from the Iraq/Afghanistan wars is at a startling 29 percent.  With statistics like this, it is crucial that we do everything we can to ensure we connect our veterans with jobs and decent, affordable housing. In a recent Washington Post Op-ed, [...]

April 27, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans honors President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their leadership to end veteran homelessness. The Associated Press reports that the number of Americans who signed contracts to buy U.S. homes rose in March. American Indian communities look to tap renewable energy potential with federal seed money. Craigslist changes [...]
