December 17, 2012

Housing our most vulnerable homeless population

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Homelessness affects thousands of people across our Nation.  Many may think that homelessness is impossible to solve.  Not true.  As long as we come together as a country and combine federal resources with those at the local level, ending homelessness IS within our reach. The 100K Homes Campaign is a grassroots movement bringing communities together [...]

December 10, 2012

HUD’s 2012 Point-in-Time Estimates of Homelessness

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On a single night in January 2012, cities across the country walked through their communities to do a one-night count of their homeless population who live in shelters and on the streets.  This annual point-in-time count aims to measure homelessness over the course of one night every January. Today, HUD reports the results of the [...]

October 24, 2012

Community Development from the Ground Up

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Community development is a key component in meeting HUD’s goal of improving quality of life for all Americans. In Denver, there has been a concerted effort to become more deliberate in meeting the housing needs of the community. Whether it’s for ending homelessness, supporting veterans, or boosting the local economy, HUD’s Community Planning and Development [...]

June 20, 2012

HUD funds make an impact: reaching homeless youth living with HIV

HUD’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing ensures that HUD initiatives are responsive to the special needs of people living with HIV/AIDS.  Through the office’s competitive grants program, funding is available for organizations serving this population.  One of the 2011 grantees is the Justice Resource Initiative (JRI), a Boston-based nonprofit organization that helps people who are homeless to [...]

January 12, 2012

Homelessness on the decline in NJ

Earlier this week, Region 2 Administrator Adolfo Carrion was featured as a guest columnist for the Star-Ledger in New Jersey where he discussed homelessness and what the Administration is doing to end it once and for all. During the early 1980s, when many families lost their homes and jobs, state and local governments were forced [...]
