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Previous Winners

2012 Winners

$1,500 Herman Lyons, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Erin Callahan

I could tell you that if you look up the word ‘perseverance’ in the dictionary, you will find Erin’s picture. All kidding aside, I can’t wait to meet Erin Callahan. Her spirit and determination will make her a talented air traffic controller one day. While she was earning her Bachelor of Science in Technology, she completed her Commercial pilot, Instrument, and Multi-engine ratings, and participated in several cooperative education jobs that gave her the opportunity to experience many aspects of aviation: ground crew for banner tows, maintenance for a corporate flight department, and airport operations at Bluffton Airport in Ohio. After graduation she planned to take the ATSAT test and apply for the public bid to Cleveland Center. But two months after graduating, she was thrown off a farm tractor while mowing the Bluffton Airport. Her right leg was severly mangled by the machine. She kept her cool, used her cellphone to call a coworker, and got help. She suffered broken bones in her right arm and in three places in her pelvis. She needed many surgeries and skin grafts covering over one-third of her right leg. Well, she persevered. She healed. She relearned how to walk. She got back in an airplane and earned her Certified Flight Instructor’s license last July. Having missed the public bid to become a controller, she moved to Pennsyvania and enrolled in Community College of Beaver County, an FAA college-training-initiative (CTI) school (CTI graduates are now the main source of new-hires; they become our next generation of air traffic controllers). She will graduate this August. She teaches Private Pilot ground school and flight instructs on weekends. She is described in her letters of recommendation as thorough, creative, optimistic, and always primed to learn, a “no-risk investment that will pay dividends for many years to come.” She spreads her love of aviation through her flight students and her colleagues at school. I imagine that if Herm Lyons were still with us, he would love to meet Erin and award her this scholarship. She has a long career in aviation ahead of her - I have no doubt she will reach her goals!

$1500 Jacque Smith-Burdette Scholarship

Rachel Tracey

Rachael’s dad is the Staff Manager at Chicago TRACON; when he brought her to “Bring Your Kid to Work Day” at age nine, it began her fascination with aviation. During her four years of high school, she participated in three sports, played the violin in the orchestra, won math competitions, and volunteered with many organizations, graduating with a 3.96 GPA. In 2010 she enrolled in Lewis University, an FAA CTI school. She will graduate May 2014 with a Bachelors of Science in Air Traffic Control and a minor in Business Administration. Rachael has continued her volunteer activities in college, becoming a member of Theta Kappa Pi, a sorority that participates in a service project each month. She works part-time, two jobs in summer and on-campus during the school year. Rachael also works with the Lewis University Annual Fund; her work over the past four semesters has brought in thousands of dollars that go towards scholarships for deserving students. The Fund’s coordinator writes, “To put Rachael’s contribution into context, she raised more money than any other student caller the past two years. We give our scholarships to honest, hardworking, deserving students; no student embodies those characteristics better than Rachael.” Rachael’s goal is to become an air traffic controller and work her way up in the system. One of her high school teachers writes, “Rachael has my highest recommendation. She is exactly the person you need to keep our skies safe.” We will be waiting for you in 2014, Rachael!

$1,500 PWC Family Member Scholarship

Amy Laughlin

Amy’s mom is PWC’s Director of Resources Pamela Brophy - the apple did not fall far from the tree! Amy will complete her Masters Degree in Education this December. By Amy’s third year of teaching, she was a School Site council member, a Master Teacher, and a recognized Employee of the Month. In 2008 she was chosen to become a Title One Teacher, leading other teachers. She partners with the police department to help students at risk of joining gangs; is the lead teacher on the Student Intervention Team, helping students in need; she coordinates Reach the Reader, a community outreach effort; she designed and leads an intensive intervention program for grades K-5 which connects the teachers, parents and kids as a team. Her goal is to become a principal, one whose leadership sets the tone for a school. Her philosophy is simple: raise the bar of expectations. Her GPA is 4.0. Her teachers describe her as exemplary, an effective multi-tasker, creative, empathetic, and an active listener. Her school principle writes, “Mrs. Laughlin’s greatest strength is her ability to inspire colleagues and implement change. There are few times in life when you have the opportunity to see someone doing the job they were “made” to do. When I see her in day-to-day interactions with students, parents, and staff, that is exactly what I am experiencing.”

$1,500 Mary McBurney Memorial Scholarship

Patricia Swenor

Patty joined PWC in 1995 and got right to work: she has served as a board member (’97-’99), conference chair (’99), WATCH editor (’99-’00 and ’06-present), Vice President (’00-’01), and President (’01-’05). Since retiring from FAA HQ in 2007, she has been working with the Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) with Booz Allen Hamilton. She will complete her Masters Degree in Homeland Security-Geospatial Intelligence this September; so far her GPA is 3.83. Patty has won numerous awards and honors over her long career; in May ’05 she received the FAA Administrators Superior Achievement Award in Equal Employment Opportunity, in recognition of her leadership in establishing a mentoring program (a program begun by Technical Women’s Organization and then in partnership with PWC) across the nation that provided all FAA employees valuable opportunities to gain skills and knowledge. Patty started taking college courses in 1969. Then she married, and persevered - taking a few classes while working full-time and raising her family - finally completing her B.A. in Communication Studies in 2010. Personally, Patty is active in her community, is a breast cancer survivor, an expert quilter, and she can belt out a song with the best. I could go on and on, but in short, Patty is an intelligent, hard-working, determined, powerful, and compassionate woman. Patty Swenor exemplifies PWC’s vision and mission.

$1000 PWC Recruitment Scholarship

Teslyn Korsmo

Networking brought Teslyn to PWC; our Southern Region Director Meagan Garmon grew up in the same town - Skagway, Alaska - and invited Teslyn to our Portland, OR conference. Attending that conference opened up Teslyn’s eyes to all the possibilities for women in aviation, and the need for hard work and perseverance to achieve her goals. She began a pattern of service to her community in high school, and continues to volunteer in college. Teslyn attends University of Alaska Anchorage, an FAA CTI school. She has worked part-time with special-needs children; she says, “The experience helped me realize how lucky I am, and what amazing things people can do and overcome in life.” Her letters of recommendation describe her as determined, adaptable, and a leader with integrity, who is well respected, compassionate, and caring. Teslyn writes that aviation is in her blood; her mom runs a small air service in Skagway, and the pilots and aviation workers have been part of her extended family.

$1000 PWC Recruitment Scholarship

Heather Hostert

Heather has loved aviation since a young age, and began flight lessons at 14! She earned private pilot upon graduating high school. She then earned a Bachelor’s in Education and taught elementary school for two years - but something was missing - she needed to address her passion for aviation. She enrolled in the Air Traffic Control program at Lewis University, an FAA CTI school. This summer Heather will serve an internship at a facility in the Chicago area. She keeps up with her interest in education by tutoring elementary students. After she graduates in December, Heather has set her sights on becoming a flight dispatcher while she waits for the FAA to hire her. Her teachers describe her as knowledgeable, insightful, driven, tireless, well-prepared, and courteous. Heather certainly follows one of her favorite quotes: “A dream is meant to be lived.”

$1000 PWC Family Member Scholarship

Tyler Stooksberry

Tyler’s parents are both controllers; his PWC member mom Dorothy is a manager at Houston Center. Tyler has been accepted to University of Houston next September. He plans to graduate in 2016 with an Engineering degree; he wants to study either computer engineering or aeronautical engineering, or both! He’d love to become an ATCS just like his parents. Along with perfect attendance awards, Tyler’s been a National Honor Roll nominee for all four years of high school, and is in the top 15% of his class with a 4.17 GPA. He has been a Varsity first baseman for three years, volunteers at his church, and makes meals for the homeless twice a month. He has been taking college-level classes during his junior and senior years. Three of his teachers wrote letters that speak highly of Tyler’s character and integrity, and describe him as responsible, dedicated, and focused. Tyler’s done the groundwork for his dreams, now he’s taking on college to help him get there.

$1000 PWC Family Member Scholarship

Darlee Hart

Darlee is the daughter of PWC member Debra Hart, who works at Seattle Tower. She is graduating from high school with honors and has received an ‘Admission With Distinction’ at Western Washington University. Darlee loves reading and writing; she has had a winning poem published, and is currently writing four books! She has directed a play, lettered in softball, and continues to manage a church store and play in a youth orchestra. She has worked four years for the family business, Hart’s Gymnastic Center; she coaches gymnastics and plans and organizes gymnastics camps. She wrote a winning essay on ‘Pride In The Military’ for the VFW. She volunteers round-the-clock with her church and goes on missions, several of which helped to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Her latest mission to New Orleans ends right before our conference begins. She is described as well-balanced, talented, motivated, diligent, honest, compassionate, self-confident and loyal - a young woman of solid character. Darlee excels at leadership in all her efforts. Her goal is teaching high school or college level classes. I hope she keeps us posted after graduation - and finds a publisher for her books!

2011 Winners

$1,500 PWC Family Member Scholarship

Nathan Zibolski

Nathan is the son of PWC member Karen Zibolski. He graduated from high school in June 2011 and plans on pursuing a Pre-Med degree at the University of Minnesota. His goal is to become a doctor or pharmacist. Nathan has been very active in high school sports, lettering in football, wrestling, and baseball. He is a member of the National Honor Society and on Student Council. He spends a lot of time doing various types of volunteer work from organizing a blood drive to coaching younger children in football.

$1,500 Margaret Hoffman PWC Scholarship/Mary McBurney Memorial Scholarship

Since Nancy is a PWC member, her scholarship is also designated a Mary McBurney Memorial Scholarship; in honor of our late former PWC President whose dedication helped create the PWC Scholarship Program.

Nancy Thompson

Nancy is a PWC member and an air traffic control specialist at Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center. She is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Science with double emphasis in Safety Systems and Operations at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. She maintains a 4.0 GPA. She has been involved as a substitute teacher in choir and instructor at band camps for many years . She volunteers for numerous organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Girl Scouts of America.

$2,000 Jacque Smith Burdette Scholarship for a Career in Aviation Scholarship

Dekiyra Love

Dekiyra is a sophomore at Purdue University majoring in Professional Flight Technology with a triple minor in Japanese, Asian Studies, and Organizational Leadership and Supervision. She currently works at Signature Flight Support at Kansas City Downtown airport. Last year she was chosen as one of Purdue’s “Five Students Who Are Modern Day Amelias”.

$2500 PWC Recruitment Scholarship

Sara Baty

After taking a tour of Seattle TRACON, Sara knew she wanted to be an air traffic controller. She graduated from college with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and enrolled in Green River Community College’s CTI school. She is currently working as a part time clerk at Seattle TRACON and will be graduating from Green River in December.

2010 Winners

$1,500 Jacqueline Smith Burdette Scholarship for a Career in Aviation Scholarship

Rosely Netrefa

Rosely grew up in Brazil. Watching airliners at Sao Paulo’s Congonhas Airport gave her a desire to become a pilot. In1987 at age 17, speaking no English, she immigrated to the United States. She learned English, worked various jobs, became a flight attendant for United Airlines, became a U.S. citizen, took flight training, and never lost sight of her goals. She became a flight instructor in 2002, and earned a BS from Embry-Riddle in 2004. In 2007, she was hired as first officer at American Eagle Airlines, flying the Saab 340 out of Los Angeles. A year later, she moved up to the Embraer 145 (a 50-passenger regional jet). Her short-term goals include earning an ATP Certificate and attaining the rank of Captain. When PWC co-founder Jacque heard about Rosely, she said: “Rosely represents women, diversity, and determination, plus she is goal oriented, energetic, and helps others. She’s an American the hard way!”

$1,500 Herman J. Lyons Jr., Memorial Scholarship

Rose Merchant-Bennett

Rose Merchant-Bennett’s goals are clear: to complete her Master of Aeronautical Science with specialties in Safety and Human Factors next August (she maintains a 4.0 GPA); and then use her knowledge to impact NextGen in a positive way. The focus of her thesis is: “Safety implications for the changing role of air traffic controllers in NextGen.” Rose hopes to address the needs of controllers as NextGen is implemented. Professionally, her many accomplishments include: FAA’s Terminal Lead for the Task Force on Advance Automation System; member of the Tiger Team addressing issues with STARS (Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System); Office of Safely representative for the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) audit determining FAA compliance with ICAO standards; and lead for several independent assessments on major system acquisitions. Her volunteer efforts reflect her dedication to her work: past President of AFSCME (union at HQ); twice served as line of business chair for Combined Federal Campaign; and Mentor in the PWC/TWO Mentor program. In PWC, Rose is irreplaceable: a member for 25 years and on the Board of Directors for half that time; she has been the National Conference Chair for the past six years.

$1,500 PWC Recruitment Scholarship

Lauren Vala

Lauren is in a combined BS/MS program for Aviation Management in Purdue University’s FAA-approved College Training Initiative (CTI) program. She will be their first student to complete the combined degree, graduating this December. One of her goals is to work on improving efficiency of operations at congested airports. Lauren was one of two selected for Indianapolis Tower’s first intern program; she passed the difficult Certified Member exam for the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) and has completed a project assessing pilot training needs associated with new runway lighting equipment.

$1,500 PWC Mary McBurney Member Scholarship

Shoshana Frank

Shoshana’s passion for aviation became focused on air traffic control after she attended an FAA Aviation Career Education (ACE) camp during high school, where she graduated as Valedictorian. Now, she is a student in Daniel Webster College’s CTI program in New Hampshire where she was selected to become a Student Ambassador in their Admissions Office. She’ll earn her BS in Air Traffic Management and Homeland Security next May, and she is the Vice President for the New England chapter of Women in Aviation, Int’l (WAI).

$1,500 PWC Mary McBurney Member Scholarship

Paul Lore

Paul is a long-time controller, currently working as an instructor at the FAA Academy (radar courses) as well as an adjunct instructor at the University of Oklahoma. He is working on a dual MS in Public Administration and PolicyAnalysis. His long-term goal is to be one of the few controllers with a PhD! He writes about the ‘verses’ of one’s life rather than the ‘goals.’ Paul writes in his essay about the verses that have shaped his life, from his early life, his years in the Marines, and then his journey of self-education, begun in 1984. Paul loves teaching, and says his scholarship “will not be a scholarship for one individual, but rather, it will influence all the students that will pass through my classroom.”

Six Winners Will be Awarded $1,000 Scholarship

Aimee Chase is awarded a PWC Family Member Scholarship. Trisha Cummings, Christine Dow, Tami Gibbs, Brittany Majewski, and Jennifer Sloane are all awarded PWC Mary McBurney Member Scholarships. Full descriptions of each winner can be found on the Scholarship Page of the PWC website.