Tuesday, February 19, 2013
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PA Conferences

PA Conference 2012, Center for Maritime Research and Experimentation (La Spezia, Italy)

Click here to be redirected to the photo album (courtesy Henry Plimack) hosted on Flickr.com

PA Conference 2011, Joint Force Training Centre (Bydgoszcz, Poland)

Event details are available here.

STRATCOM Conference 2011, NATO Defense College (Rome, Italy)

Event details are available here.

PA Conference 2010, HQ Allied Air Command (Izmir, Turkey)

Click here to be redirected to the Conference webpage (Allied Command Operations website).

PA Conference 2009, NATO Defense College (Rome, Italy)

Event details are available here.

PA Conference 2008, HQ Allied Joint Force Command (Lisbon, Portugal)

Conference outcome has not been provided.