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Venus: Overview
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Color image showing Venus topography
Magellan spacecraft radar data enabled scientists to penetrate Venus' thick clouds and create simulated views of the surface.

Venus is a dim world of intense heat and volcanic activity. Similar in structure and size to Earth, Venus' thick, toxic atmosphere traps heat in a runaway "greenhouse effect." The scorched world has temperatures hot enough to melt lead. Glimpses below the clouds reveal volcanoes and deformed mountains. Venus spins slowly in the opposite direction of most planets.

Featured Mission: Akatsuki
Japan's Akatsuki is the next planned mission to Venus. The orbiter will follow Venus' thick cloud layers as they are whipped around the planet by hurricane-force winds.

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Just the Facts
Orbit Size (semi-major axis):  108,209,475 km
Mean Radius:  6,051.8 km
Volume:  928,415,345,893 km3
Mass:  4,867,320,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
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People Spotlight
Steve Squyres Steve Squyres
Steve is best known as principal Investigator for the Mars Exploration Rovers, but he's contributed to many of the greatest robotic missions. Read More...
Carl Sagan - (1934 - 1996)
Planetary Scientist
Al Hibbs - Scientist
David Grinspoon - Museum Curator
Ellis Miner - Planetary Scientist
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Last Updated: 13 Dec 2012