Delaware Coast from Cape Henlopen to Fenwick Island, Rehoboth Beach/Dewey Beach, DE

Rehoboth & Dewey Beach Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project

UPDATED: December 2012


APPROPRIATION / PHASE: Construction, General

BUSINESS PROGRAM: Flood and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction

AUTHORITY: Senate Committee Resolution, 23 June 1988. Project authorized by Section 101 (b)(6) of WRDA 1996 and modified by Section 307 of WRDA 2000.

LOCATION: The project is located on the Atlantic coast of Delaware just north of the Delaware Seashore State Park.

DESCRIPTION: The plan proposed in the final feasibility report for the purpose of flood and coastal storm damage reduction at Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach consists of one continuous project, from the northern end of Rehoboth Beach to the southern border of Dewey Beach, a distance of 13,500 linear feet. Along Rehoboth Beach, the plan provides for a 125-foot wide berm at elevation +7.2 feet NAVD and a dune at elevation +13.2 feet NAVD. At Dewey Beach, the project would transition to a 150-foot wide berm at elevation +7.2 feet NAVD and a dune at elevation +13.2 feet NAVD. The plan includes dune grass, dune fencing, and suitable advance beachfill and periodic nourishment every three years to ensure the integrity of the design. The PED phase consisted of the completion of detailed plans and specifications for those features recommended in the feasibility report.

STATUS: The beachfill portion of initial construction was completed in July 2005 with the other project features, including dune grass, dune fencing and crossovers completed in January 2006. FY 08 funds were used to award a contract to initiate the 2nd periodic nourishment cycle. Due to limited funds, only Dewey Beach received renourishment. FY 11 funds were used to modify the FCCE contract to complete the 2nd periodic nourishment cycle (originally scheduled for 09).

As a result of the November 2009 nor’easter $20,000 in FCCE - Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies funds were provided to complete a Project Information Report under Public Law 84-99. The PIR completed in March 2010 with updates in April and August 2010 determined that the project met the requirements of Public Law 84-99 and was eligible for FCCE funding. Funding in the amount of $5,100,000 was received to complete the repairs. A single contract for repairs to three projects (Rehoboth/Dewey, Bethany/South Bethany & Fenwick) was awarded on 23 November 2010.  The pumping of sand at Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach for the FCCE and the 2nd renourishment projects were completed concurrently in Feb 12. FY 12 funds are being used to permanently extend three outfalls that have remained covered after the completion of the re-nourishment. 







Initial Construction


Jan  06


2nd Periodic
Nourishment Cycle

Nov 08

Jun 09

Dewey Beach only

2nd Periodic
Nourishment Cycle


Oct 11

Feb 12


3rd Preiodic Nourishment Cycle

FY 14


Dependent on adequate funding














Fiscal Year




Initial Construction





FY 09








FY 10


Also rec’d $75K in FCCE funds






FY 11


Also rec’d $5.025M in FCCE funds






FY 12








FY 13




SPONSOR: Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

COMMENTS: A Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Rehoboth Beach/Dewey Beach was filed and submitted with the final feasibility report.  A Supplemental Environmental Assessment was completed in July 2002 to address impacts to alternative borrow areas.

Between October 27 & 30, 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused damage to the Delaware coast from Lewes Beach to Fenwick Island and up the Delaware Bay. FCCE - Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies funds under Public Law 84-99 have been requested to complete a Project Information Report (PIR). The results of the PIR will determine if the project qualifies for FCCE funding to repair the project to pre-storm conditions.

PROJECT MANAGER: Paula Retzler, (215) 656-6787,