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Congressional Testimony


SNAP Fraud Oversight

March 8, 2012

  Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary
Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
Before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
FY 2011 Budget Testimony - FNCS

Feb. 28, 2012

  Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary
Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
Before the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development,
Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies
FY 2011 Budget Testimony - FNS

Feb. 28, 2012

  Audrey Rowe, Administrator
Food and Nutrition Service
Before the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development,
Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies
FY 2011 Budget Testimony - CNPP

Feb. 28, 2012

  Rajen Anand, Executive Director
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Before the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development,
Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies


USDA Nutrition Programs

July 22, 2011

  Audrey Rowe, Administrator
Food and Nutrition Service
Before the House Sub-Committee on Nutrition and Horticulture


SNAP Program Integrity

July 28, 2010


Julie Paradis, Administrator
Food and Nutrition Service
Before the House Committee on Agriculture
Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight,
Nutrition and Forestry

Healthful Foods in the Nutrition Assistance Programs

April 14, 2010

  Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary
Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
Before the House Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on
Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition and Forestry
FY 2011 Budget Testimony - FNCS

March 18, 2010


Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary
Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
Before the House Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development,
Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies

FY 2011 Budget Testimony - FNS

March 18, 2010

  Julie Paradis, Administrator
Food and Nutrition Service
Before the House Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development,
Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies
FY 2011 Budget Testimony - CNPP

March 18, 2010

  Rajen Anand, Executive Director
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Before the House Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development,
Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies
Child Nutrition Program Reauthorization

March 4, 2010


Kevin Concannon, Under Secretary,
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
Before the House Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development,
Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Jan. 25, 2010


Lisa J. Pino, Deputy Administrator, SNAP
Before the House Committee on Agriculture
Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition and Forestry
Field Hearing - Colton, CA


Last modified: 03/16/2012