U.S. Presidential Scholars Program

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The Presidential Scholars Foundation

See Also
About the Program
Commission Members
National Foundation For the Advancement in the Arts
Sponsors and Benefactors

In 1989 the Commissioners of the Presidential Scholars Program realized that, to meet its full potential, it needed to develop a sound financial base, thus guaranteeing the recognition of top scholarship and leadership for years to come.

They formed the Presidential Scholars Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation—dedicated to expanding fundraising efforts; to forming an Alumni Society for the continued interaction of the Nation's best and brightest; and to sponsoring activities that will capture the awareness and imagination of both students and the public.

The vision of the Foundation is to expand and enhance private funding to support its role in assuming more responsibility for funding the Presidential Scholars Program. The Foundation's strategic plan has three main objectives:

  • to provide financial resources for the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars,
  • to develop and maintain an Alumni Society, and
  • to ensure recognition activities of the Commission and Scholars and their roles in the future of the nation.

The foundation is a registered charity in New Jersey, #CH08437. The Foundation's Board calls upon the talents of the Commissioners and other national leaders.

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Last Modified: 02/16/2005